Ahhhh im so excited! Ive been looking to get Wreck This Journal for awhile now, and i found it at Savers with no writing in it! The other one has no writing either! Double score!
Ahhhh im so excited! Ive been looking to get Wreck This Journal for awhile now, and i found it at Savers with no writing in it! The other one has no writing either! Double score!
Seen as my page is having a MH day/week like myself, I've decided to rediscover my Wreck it Everywhere Journal.
I love that Keri Smith recognises the importance of adult play/creativity as well it being valuable to children also. As grown up I think we often forget that sometime you can just be creative for the sake of it. It doesn't have to be a masterpiece it's fun.
#wreckthisjournaleverywhere #wreckthisjournal #livingoutloud #creativity