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Root Beer Candy and Other Miracles
Root Beer Candy and Other Miracles | Shari Green
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Eleven-year-old Bailey believes in miracles. She has to; it will take a miracle to keep her warring parents together. This summer they are at a Marriage Counselling camp, leaving Bailey and her little brother Kevin with their estranged grandmother in the island town of Felicity Bay. There, an eccentric deposed minister makes a prophecy that a stranger from the sea will change everything. When Bailey discovers a mermaid-shaped piece of driftwood, she begins to believe that the mermaid is this stranger from the sea. Then, when a dolphin becomes stranded on the beach, Bailey forgets her own troubles and rouses the reluctant locals into action. Written in light and lyrical free verse, Shari Green s warm and wistful novel brings Bailey face to face with both hard and beautiful truths about growing up and growing into her own ability to shape the world."
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I absolutely love this book! It is definitely one of my favourite books. This book has so many strong moments and very captivating sentences. I would strongly suggest to read this book of you haven‘t already.

MrsBabki I added it to my need to read list. (edited) 3y
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I love how the author wrote this book! I love the writing because it‘s short and easy to read. I love how each chapter has such a unique title. The author writes a lot of unique words. I can‘t wait to get further into this book!

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On to my 3rd free book from the ALA convention! This one is a little weird, it reads like several poems but tells a story... let's see if I like it

charminggoats I've had fairly good experiences with all of my ALA books. There was one that was kind of a misogynistic nightmare but the rest have been really good. 8y
dizzymissruby @charminggoats same here! I'm on my 4th one now, and they've all been great so far. No diversity or lgbtq+ representation in any so far though. We should trade sometime! Which one was misogynistic? 8y
charminggoats Yeah, I don't think I managed to snag any LGBTQIA+ books, despite actively seeking them out. They had a lot of displays for it and kept talking about it because of Pulse, but no one was giving out books on it, which makes me think that if Pulse had not happened, they wouldn't have had as many things as they did. Otherwise I've had a bit of diversity. It's been a mixed bag so far. 8y
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charminggoats I passed most to Bryanna so far since she helped set up the ALA booth but had to miss snagging books. I wanted to make sure she got some freebies too (picked up a a couple specifically for her daughter too.) But I'd be happy to trade on any future ones! 8y
charminggoats I wish we had actual physical space - I'd love to create our own lending library. 8y
dizzymissruby @charminggoats That's true about Pulse, I did see those booths too but no freebies from them. 😕 Sure, that sounds great! I agree, it'd be great to exchange amongst all of us since I'm sure we have a whole mini library's worth between us. 😂 Anyone's free to borrow them, they're all going to Accio Books anyways, other than 1 or 2 I really liked so far. 8y
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