Yikes. Brutal.
Reading is the cheapest form of travel. Next stop: Central Park, New York.✈️🌃🗽
Definite recommendation for this‼️ Not only for/because of the twist; the road to it is also enthralling. 😃
The quality of the story depends a little bit of where you are, before or after the twist. After (which makes only about 50 minutes of the whole story, so it can‘t be too much in the printed version, either) it‘s a bit too much about making ends meet – at least for my taste. But that doesn‘t derogate my overall impression at all.
One hour before the story ends this suddenly got so excited that after having had punctual home time (almost an exception), after having cooked, eaten and cleaned the kitchen, I can‘t stop listening now. Impossible‼️
Absolutely didn‘t see the twist coming that seems to become apparent in the story at the moment.
So, sorry, not sorry 😉, I now definitely need to have a nice mug of coffee and to continue listening.
Okay, this one also has my interest.
Interesting puzzle 🧩 between one of Alice‘s past cases – remember she‘s a police officer – and her and Gabriel‘s present situation – whom she met in the morning because they were tied to one another by handcuffs in New York‘s Central Park. Even though she is French and was in Paris the day before and he played piano in Dublin the night before.
When you don‘t manage to finish your audiobook during the estimated time.
I was lucky to lend it again – no one else has put it on hold while I had it. 😅
And meanwhile I also found the point where I was interrupted. 👉🏼 Let the commute begin. 😂
Started this one today and it definitely has my interest. 😄
Having a police officer in such an unusual situation (tied with handcuffs to a stranger) seems to be a clever trick because she, of course, has a very businesslike approach on how to deal with the situation.
I like the rather short chapters that have nice quotes of famous people (Einstein, Blaise Pascal) put in front.
I‘m thankful that this audiobook downloaded on my device properly. It will be the one take for my various commutes. ?
“Alice and Gabriel wake up tied up to each other on a park bench in Central Park. They don‘t know each other and remember nothing. The night before, Alice went out on the Champs-Elysées with friends, Gabriel has played piano in a club in Dublin. How could they get to America in only so short time?”
Greetings from Vienna!
My first book for this weekend trip is from Guilliaume Musso. I already read two other books from him and liked them very much! Hope this one won't disappoint me 🙃
#guilliaumemusso #nachtimcentralpark #wien #vienna #newyork
Ho scoperto questo autore da poco e me ne sono innamorata. Questo libro in particolare mi ha lasciato senza fiato, letto tutto d'un fiato. La trama coinvolgente e ben studiata, non avrei mai immaginato nulla di simile per la fine ma non vi voglio svelare nulla in quanto vale veramente la pena leggerlo. Guillaume Musso è in grado di trasportarti in un mondo che sembra quasi reale e ti tiene sul filo del rasoio fino alla fine. Mio voto: ☆☆☆☆☆
Current Reading. Enjoying it, and it's holding my attention.