An engaging and ultimately delightful story not without its perils. Haldeman's story reads like he has given H.G. Wells's Time Traveller and name and updated his adventure for modern times - a rousing success.
An engaging and ultimately delightful story not without its perils. Haldeman's story reads like he has given H.G. Wells's Time Traveller and name and updated his adventure for modern times - a rousing success.
I‘m usually great with understanding time travel but I really need to think about this ending 🤨 It was fast paced and enjoyable to read but the last like 5 chapters lost me and it felt like the author just ran out of steam and ideas. Interesting concept but it didn‘t have much depth to it.
I'm just...bored. The synopsis and plot summary online make the story sound super interesting, but on audio, it's just going sooo sloooow, so I'm going to make my husband finish listening to it later and maybe we'll listen to the Hamilton soundtrack again.