This is the best way to spend a birthday 📚🎉
This is the best way to spend a birthday 📚🎉
For most of the book, I was just kind of thinking, "this is like the hunger games, with the X-men." I liked it OK, but I'm not sure if I'll read the rest of the series. We'll see. I'm just glad that I finished something. It's been one hell of a reading slump lately.
I woke up much too early this morning and finally finished this. It was brutal, but so good. My reading life this year has been sparse in terms of numbers, but so rich in content.
So powerful. I can't wait to read the other two. I admire the courage of the civil rights movement so much. I can't imagine...of course I can't imagine what it was like, or what it still is like for so many people of color. Books like this are a small step toward understanding, though, at least as much as I am capable of understanding.
Wow! Such amazing gifts from @JodyS !! I won't lie - the chocolate got eaten immediately after taking the picture. 😄 the books look awesome, too! Litsy is such an amazing community! Thank you, Jody, and thank you @BookishMarginalia for organizing the #cupidgoeapostal swap!
Yay! My #cupidgoespostal package(s) arrived! I'm super glad I only have one day to wait to open it. Patience with presents is not something I'm good at. 😄🎁❤
This book often had me giggling, and often in tears. As someone who is starting the process of adoption and has had that struggle with infertility and loss, this memoir rang so true, and expanded my mind on the possibility of adopting from foster care eventually. This was a beautiful and funny meditation on becoming a mom.
Getting ready to send off my #cupidgoespostal package tomorrow. I hope my partner likes it!
This was a fun romp (ha - see what I did there) - very entertaining and plenty of tension. And if you've read it, you totally understand the cat sticker. 😂😂😂
Holy cow, I finally finished a book this year. I can't tell if I'm in a slump, or if I just have been too busy...maybe a bit of both. This book was crazy pants, though! The art was stunning, and I most definitely want to know what happens next.
Today's bookish delivery. Starting the adoption process and want to read some books around that. If anyone has any good recommendations of fiction or non-fiction about adoption, I would love to hear about them.
This is the book that doesn't end...yes it goes on and on my friend... Now that's stuck in everyone's head. Sorry. I need someone's permission to stop reading this, or to be OK with it taking another 6 months to finish. I told myself that I would read just this until I'm done with it, except an audio book, but so many books on my shelves are calling to me!
I realized this morning that if I spent as much time actually reading as I do building my wishlists on various sites, I maybe could have finished this by now.
Sorry #cupidgoespostal partner. This book is huge. Well, a little sorry. Well, maybe not. :)Crossing my fingers I picked well.
I was thinking today about how my #cupidgoespostal partner could possibly know what books I already have since I don't track what books I own on Goodreads and don't even really have a TBR other than books I own but haven't read. I catalog everything on LibraryThing!! www.librarything.com/catalog/jaimienoy. Don't judge me. 😆I buy books much more quickly than I read them...
A bit late, but this was my year in books. There were a lot of comics and audiobooks. I actually think The Memoirs of Cleopatra was my longest book, but it was a re-read, so I think Goodreads counted it weird.
Woo! I made my reading goal for the year! 📚📚📚🎉
This was such a fun and sometimes very moving memoir. I loved it. ❤
The transition between volume 4 and volume 5 was a little weird, but I'm sure it probably makes more sense in the wider context of the marvel universe. This was yet more fun. I love Kamala. She's awesome. 👍
"When avarice takes the lead in a state, it is commonly the forerunner of its fall." --this struck me as somewhat prescient.
Lunchtime reading. This one was so much better than volume 3. I'm really glad I didn't give up on the series like I was thinking.
This book was so good, and so necessary. It was a learning experience, and I appreciated what she has to say. The audiobook was awesome, too.
This book had some beautiful and some brutal moments. I loved it.
Some of this book hit hard. Seeing Iran from an native perspective is important. It also lend perspective to western problems...something I think I've needed lately.
Home sick today, so watching/listening to Fantasia while reading and cuddling a kitty.
This book was painful at times. I don't think I've ever been the direct object of the kind of unwanted attention that she talks about, but there are other ways of being objectified. And the last few chapters about her pregnancy and daughter hit me hard in the feels, so cat included to lighten the mood.
I'm just...bored. The synopsis and plot summary online make the story sound super interesting, but on audio, it's just going sooo sloooow, so I'm going to make my husband finish listening to it later and maybe we'll listen to the Hamilton soundtrack again.
I ❤️❤️❤️ these books. And the narration is amazing. Seriously, listen to the audio version.
Another fun installment. I liked this one more than the last one. It feels like the story is really moving again.
What do you do when your husband wants to take pictures in freezing weather in Columbus, Ohio? Read, of course...at least until your Nook tells you that it's too cold and keeps flashing error messages.
Road trip for Thanksgiving, so its car knitting and audiobooks. 📚🚗
When stuck in the subway station because of electrical problems...books are my friend. Reading about a super flu as more and more people crowd the platform might not be the best idea ever, though
This book was just as beautifully drawn and compelling as the first.
I have had this stuck in my head all day. I am apparently feeling fatalistic today.
I picked an interesting day to start a book about an apocalypse.
Read this on ebook from the library, and I think I need to read it a few more times so I bought a copy today.
So funny! The way she rants reminds me of the voice in your head that just doesn't stop no matter which weird turns the thoughts take. It's kind of awesome.
W00t! I ❤️Litsy! 😄📚📚📚📚
Kinda creepy, but not too bad. I will, however, never view IKEA in quite the same way...
I've almost burst out laughing in the middle of the office multiple times while listening to this. I can honestly say I've never read a book in which the phrase "tampon witchcraft book" has ever appeared.