I really enjoyed the first quarter of the book with some history of pre 80's wrestling. The more recent stuff didn't really hold my interest. Although the bright spot was the quotes that reguarly bagged on Hogan for not being a good worker in the ring. This book is worth a pick I'd you were/are into wrestling.
My coworker is Ross Thibodeaux, and he wrote a one-shot staring New Day in the WWE comic: Then. Now. Forever.
New Day is my favorite thing, btw. And getting it signed was as easy as crossing the hall. 😚
Excited to delve into my birthday present from my cousin. Regardless of your thoughts on "rasslin" it was a thing that made my cousin and I close as brothers growing up. So it will be fun going down memory lane even though we were more fans of the boys down south than in Titan towers. Which is why he had it signed by the greatest of all time, his favorite wrestler and mine: the Nature Boy WOOOOOO! Ric Flair