Opps. #BookOutlet
Opps. #BookOutlet
Yay David Sedaris, yada yada yada, but MORE IMPORTANTLY, I'm kinda a fiend for yogurt. This new Oui yogurt is delicious, but I might be more excited about getting to repurpose this screaming little glass jar. Will it become a votive holder? Will I be able to use it as a food container for work? Maybe a succulent planter? Who knows??
Hey. I might be flooded in at my parents' house, but I have reading material 😰
Why does the rapid flooding in Houston effect such a WIDE swath of land, extending as far east as south western Louisiana (including Lafayette - my home)? Could it be? That our gulf coast is erroding out from under us?
Kindle Daily Dollar Deals this week have been slaying - I spent $15 or so, but I got a bunch of books for it.
My new audiobook for this week is The Secret Life of Trees. While "natural history" is a particular favorite genre of mine, Just an hour in I feel much more soothed. My parents had a 500 year old oak tree on the family plot that was recently struck by lightening. I was heart broken to come home & find it suddenly shredded down to this state. But this book reminds me it's still alive.
Who here likes Jim Gaffigan? Today while tropical depression prepping at my local Dollar Tree I picked up his latest book in hardcover - OH, and he'd signed it. Yeah, definitely a dollar well spent
Starting a new audiobook for my commutes 🌈✨
I bought this "mango" for my best friend's birthday gift, and I'm reading it before I give it to her ?
I decided to finally turn my old tumblr account into a dedicated Booklr and review blog. If you're interested, the url is golly-loli.tumblr.com
Today in "Reading Instead of Working" I make some progress with Marvel's Runaways, find out that HULU is adapting the series for an original show, and pick up Cimarronin.
Look what dropped today!!! Ugh, I wish they would wise up and NOT drop one volume a year.
I'm doing my first ever #bookswap hosted by @Tiffy_Reads
I love hygge in concept, and couldn't pass this up. What better way to prepare for fall than with #LetsHyggeSwap?
I just found out Rainbow Rowell has a playlist for all of her characters on Spotify. It's perfect! But don't listen to them unless you've already read that book - especially if listening to music is an emotive experience for you. "It's not that it's a spoiler - it's a FEELINGS BETRAYAL"
When a weekly Dollar Tree trip has some surprises in store 💕
It was impossible to find this book at the library due to summer reading assignments, but I NEEDED to reread it after seeing the trailer for the movie.
In Cajun Country chili in a fruit bowl is unheard of, but a Instagramer introduced the idea to me and I love it!
Oh, and a little something to read for Jane Austen's bicentennial
Ever since a few weekends ago I've been a little scared to spend my money too hedonistically. At least, I feel like it might led to bad luck. But I kinda lifted the ban a little and bought two books for $2-3 each for the Kindle.
I'm watching Grantchester and thinking "This show is super cute. Oh Man! There are books! Gotta read those!" So I hop on over to Overdrive to see if they're avaible and they are! So I get the first volume, and.. for some reason Kindle won't let me download it?? WELL THAS B'CUZ I ALREADY HAD IT. Yes friends, a series that I didn't even know existed before today, I apparently bought last November. Also don't mind the TV cover bc James Norton is cute
"The most ignorant young man, who knows nothing of the needs of women, thinks himself a competent legislator, because he is a man... This aristocratic attitude is a mistake."
I'm having a little picnic for lunch - to set my soul back to rights. The sunshine is helping
I found my way to the used bookstore in my new neighborhood! They once had a 2nd location that I lived much, much closer to, but it fell victum to our last local recession. Anyway, this location was the original and it is still going strong.
I loved the way this hardcover is being used to bridge a gap between shelves. Haphazard bookshelves are the best.
My neighbor kindly lent me this book (on my wishlist since it was published!) after telling her about my horrible weekend, taking a sick-day, and bonding over our love of Riverdale
✨ Favorite Hobby: drawing
✨ Favorite drink: sweet tea or root beer
✨ Favorite food: shrimp pad thai
✨ Favorite color: purple
✨ Favorite city: New Orleans
✨ Where would my dream home be? The coast of Maine or Nova Scotia
✨ Favorite Accessory: Pencil case + Sketchbook
✨ Favorite TV show: Pushing Daisies lives on in my heart
✨ Last Movie seen in Theaters: Wonder Woman
✨ Currently Reading: When Dimple Met Rishi
My bestie and I have a loooooong history of taking pictures "asleep in books." These are classics amoung my facebook followers.
My friend and I have a long tradition of taking selfies of ourselves in books
I've been struggling with this Pescatarian lifestyle lately because 1 I'm broke and 2 I want chicken nuggets. So I treated myself to vegetarian nuggets (the sauce was left over from my roommate's neice & nephew visiting) and a visit to my childhood library 👌📚
This must be the 5th time I've attempted to read this 😰 I read the first one easily enough, I just find this one to be too action packed to pay attention and focus??
(To the tune of "Little Brown Jug") ?Ha-Ha-Ha, Hee-Hee-Hee, This little book is scaring me!?
Seriously, this book got me SHOOK. Please read it.
Our internet has been out for a few days, so I actually went to the gym - because the wifi is complimentary. And, well, I finished this!
There's nothing I can say that hasn't already been said. Margaret Atwood is a giant. But her uncommonly delightful use of words makes me want to never try to pen a sentence of my own again. I just can't dream of being that clever!
#litsyyearbook Fun Fact: while I loved college for the academia, I struggled with depression the entire time. Real Talk: I wanted to kill myself on graduation night, until the time actually came and I decided I was being "childish."
Honestly, I don't recignise myself from 5 years ago. I'm happier - or at least, still miserable but I've learned to be delighted in my misery. ? Weirdly, Morrissey helped with that
Fun Fact: I don't know how many times I've reread this book since I first read it 3 years ago, but this is my first time listening to it on audiobook. Might as well, I guess, though I don't looove the narrator.
I must apoligize to my litsy followers that my feed has become a journal cataloging #thestruggle But since books tend to be the luxury I have trouble resisting the MOST, it's appropriate. I know most of you might be able to relate.
My library just launched their subscription to Overdrive's Libby app. The OG Overdrive app, imho, is very clunky. Libby fixes a lot of that, but I'm still missing my wishlist feature. 😢
I'm attempting to slow my roll with book-purchases. So I cancelled my audible and picked up the new Overdrive app Libby.
Also I've never read any of Janet Evanovich's books before ever. They seem to be quick and fun, so here goes nothing
I'm broke like it ain't no joke - and it's time for me and this lovely old edition of Nancy Drew to part ways. I'm selling it in my etsy shop if anyone's interested
Pardon me my blatant Etsy blurb! Last weekend I finally opened my first Etsy shop. I'm sharing it with you guys not because it might help as a marketing tactic (heehee) but some of you guys might actually dig what I'm putting out. Mainly illustrations inspired by literature, hand-painted book markers, AND "vintage" classics (Scholastic Book Fair, anyone?)
I met up with a friend for board games, treats, and conversation at Barnes & Nobel - a bad idea.
I should mention that this weekend I aquired (quiet accidentally!) a new kitten. This is Calzone 🍕 He's a tiny snuggly-bug (for now! We expect him to get very big as he gets older! Though it's hard to tell, since we found him in an Ulta parking lot)
Reading has been really difficult lately 😖 #kittensoflisty
My Drawing desk - House Pride Represent!
I woke up to this BEAUTIFUL NEWS! I'm literally unable to cope with this. So I guess I'm rereading the first run in preparation
Lately there's been an unsettling trend in YA literature (two examples: The Hate U Give & Goodbye Days, published within a short amount of time of one another) in which teens not only deal with the deaths of dear friends, but in publicly incriminating ways. Is this a reality that teens have to deal with? Goodbye Days is a different tone, and beautifully written, and sensitive.
Behold! The reading nook in my new apartment! The side table was a gift from my brother (an air force vet)
1. Lafayette, LA
2. Attachments by Rainbow Rowell
3. Parasol Protectorate & Kaze Hikaru
4. You've Got Mail
5. Parks & Recreation, Fraiser, Pushing Daisies
6. The Smiths
7. Purple (lilac)
8. YA speculative fiction
9. AIE
10. Ellen Ripley & Princess Aljurnon, two blacl & white cats
My ex was from Nashville, so I visited somewhat frequently at one time. In fact, he graduated from the same high school. So it's a tiny thrill to hear familar names mentioned through-out the story.
That said, it has me thinking about how teens deal with death and how it's alarming because I feel like they deal with it more than they once had. And that shouldn't be the case.
I know I got rid of hundreds of old books now that I'm moving. But... My shelves are looking so lonely now...
Listen, it was inevitably going to happen.
So. I had to down size my book collection (😢) for my new home, which also means new shelves - WHICH I actually put together myself (😎)
I'm excited about the new living situation but broken hearted about down sizing books. Thank God for my Kindle & the library tho.