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Charlotte Markham and the House of Darkling
Charlotte Markham and the House of Darkling: A Novel | Michael Boccacino
Debut novelist Michael Boccacino invites readers into the world beyond the realm of the living in Charlotte Markham and the House of Darkling, a Victorian gothic tale of the strange and supernatural. But all who enter this house must beware—for there is a price to pay for visitors who wish to save those they love. The story of a British governess and her young charges seduced by the otherworldly enticements of a mysterious mansion in the forest following the inexplicable death of the former nanny, this Tim Burton-like tale of dark fantasy is a bewitching treat for fans of horror and paranormal fiction, as well as readers who love creepy gothic tales and mysterious shadowy English manor houses. Not since Suzanna Clarke introduced Jonathan Strange to Mr. Norrell, and Neil Gaiman’s Coraline crawled through a secret door into a twisted and sinister mirror world, has there been a journey as wondrously fantastic and terrifying as Charlotte Markham’s adventures in the House of Darkling.
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The description sounded great. It said it was a Victorian gothic, but never quite felt like one. Plus, there were some things the characters did that didn‘t make much sense and were never explained well, or that seemed completely contradictory to what their role was. Ok overall. Felt like there was lots of unrealized potential.