Halfway through this one. It‘s received some mixed reviews. Right now there is a sort of shadowy, secret society feel to it.
Halfway through this one. It‘s received some mixed reviews. Right now there is a sort of shadowy, secret society feel to it.
Millennials are bashed enough I don‘t want to read a book dripping of satire about it too 🙄
This was next up to replace the book I DNFed just now and it‘s trashing millennials. I can‘t win today. Guess it‘s a good thing they‘re coming off my TBR 😂
This is the book that kicked me out of a reading slump. Fun, thought provoking speculative fiction for the win!!!
Luke Kennard's debut novel is a satire on Millennials but the humour isn't sharp enough or black enough to hit its targets, the Millennials are unsympathetically portrayed as victims of their own sense of entitlement, the conspiracy elements don't make a lick of sense, the allusion to a central text made for some pretentiously bad writing and ultimately I just didn't care about anyone enough to be invested in how their story ended.