Fabulous prose under the form of correspondance between two lovers separated not only by space but also by time ⭐ an overwhelming avalanche of emotions ⭐ to be read only when in a happy state of mind ⭐
Fabulous prose under the form of correspondance between two lovers separated not only by space but also by time ⭐ an overwhelming avalanche of emotions ⭐ to be read only when in a happy state of mind ⭐
It is for the exquisite descriptive writing that I have selected 'pick'. I got to the end of the book and immediately turned back to a passage describing how a child sees the seashore which resonated deeply with me. But a lot of the time I didn't understand what was going on. This may be because the book is written entirely through letters between two lovers separated both by distance and time. I alternated between confused and entranced or both.
"It's impossible to believe that there's war somewhere." - Sasha
#war #quotsynov17 @TK-421
Just started. Not an easy start. Feeling my way in. It could be brilliant in a high brow sort of way.
"you know, i was the one who was blind. I saw words but i didn't see through the words. It's like looking at the glass in the window, nit the street outside"
This may sum up my reading life at times! I am really enjoying this book but i feel there is so much going on that i may be missing. I am certainly enjoying the separate narratives in this epistolary novel and im intrigued to work out how the premise of the story is resolved. A litsy find ☺
Usually #epistolary literature doesn't do anything for me but Shishkin's Maidenhair was my favourite book of 2015 so this one was a calculated risk. It's a masterpiece, one of the best of 2016 and up there with the best books I've ever read. Now if only I could get my hands on his latest! #ReadJanuary