The same arresting voice and thoughts as the first. The same concrete, wonderful characters. A deceptively simple plot. Such a quick read. And the setting, while not described in-depth, is completely present. 5 out of 5 on Goodreads.
The same arresting voice and thoughts as the first. The same concrete, wonderful characters. A deceptively simple plot. Such a quick read. And the setting, while not described in-depth, is completely present. 5 out of 5 on Goodreads.
Loving just as much as the first. I didn‘t realize how much I‘ve missed Ellen. The prose so perfectly communicates what it‘s like to live post trauma. Ellen is trying desperately to live without her past, yet it continues to be a part of a her. I really hope she gets into Harvard.
“Knowing well that I could be more than what my mother did, more than the moment she died- I am what she was before and is now, here with me in the burden of her love I‘m content to carry, gorgeous to me and lighter than breath.”
OK. So I absolutely ADORED Ellen Foster by Kaye Gibbons. This sequel, not so much.