Dark topics but seems detached and a bit hollow because of it. Even the supposedly personal poems seemed impersonal to me. Wavering between pick and so-so.
Dark topics but seems detached and a bit hollow because of it. Even the supposedly personal poems seemed impersonal to me. Wavering between pick and so-so.
A quick read! I found most of these poems to be "average", but a few were absolutely stellar! I debated allowing this one a "Pick" but I think "So-So" is more honest.
Apparently there‘s a #poetrychallenge2018 so I‘m gonna jump in with my required reading for one of the classes I‘m taking this semester 🤓 I don‘t love her stuff, but I do love where she‘s coming from most of the time. ⭐️⭐️⭐️
“I have no one to tell
that load of laundry I managed
to carry to the washer
has been transferred successfully
to the dryer. I even was able
to make myself coffee and toss the cat‘s toy
onto her carpeted platform
before returning to my bed.”
Here‘s your semesterly reminder that my reading is basically limited to “required” for the next 15 weeks except for the snippets of audio while driving.
MOAR BOOKS. #backtoschool #bonuswhiskers #catsoflitsy