This was my third Laura Lippman and I am super into her writing. I love how Baltimore centric it is.
This was my third Laura Lippman and I am super into her writing. I love how Baltimore centric it is.
Unless you‘re a Laura Lippman completist, I think you can skip this one. Good local color and a Tess Monaghan cameo helped, but only a little bit. The story definitely has substance, but it‘s murky and flat. All the characters are annoying at best, as is the structure. Nobody at book club liked this, but we did have a good discussion. I told them she usually does better.
1. The Most Dangerous Thing and The Mystery of Three Quarters
2. Tom and Lorenzo‘s Pop Style Opinionfest
3. The Most Dangerous Thing was this month‘s mystery book club selection, and we were all rather meh about it. I usually love the author but haven‘t finished this one yet, if that tells you anything.
Interesting so far, but a little confusing. The POV keeps switching from past to present and from one character to another.