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Not Free, Not for All
Not Free, Not for All: Public Libraries in the Age of Jim Crow | Cheryl Knott
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Americans tend to imagine their public libraries as time-honored advocates of equitable access to information for all. Through much of the twentieth century, however, many black Americans were denied access to public libraries or allowed admittance only to separate and smaller buildings and collections. While scholars have examined and continue to uncover the history of school segregation, there has been much less research published on the segregation of public libraries in the Jim Crow South. In fact, much of the writing on public library history has failed to note these racial exclusions. In Not Free, Not for All, Cheryl Knott traces the establishment, growth, and eventual demise of separate public libraries for African Americans in the South, disrupting the popular image of the American public library as historically welcoming readers from all walks of life. Using institutional records, contemporaneous newspaper and magazine articles, and other primary sources together with scholarly work in the fields of print culture and civil rights history, Knott reconstructs a complex story involving both animosity and cooperation among whites and blacks who valued what libraries had to offer. African American library advocates, staff, and users emerge as the creators of their own separate collections and services with both symbolic and material importance, even as they worked toward dismantling those very institutions during the era of desegregation.
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The library in this town closes at eight. Residents often work days and nights. How do they get to the library anyway? Who has a car? Who has gas money for the car? An ereader is a big expense. English is often limited.

#thisisamerica #equalaccesstobooks

JoRead 😔😔 6y
saguarosally @JoRead Plus books don‘t solve everything. 😐 6y
Mandigolightly @saguarosally modern libraries are more than just books. 6y
Mandigolightly Most libraries combat this by being open a variety of hours. Our library has morning hours two weekdays a week, plus very early mornings on Saturday 6y
saguarosally @Mandigolightly Oh, I know. The lack of access to resources at libraries is also problematic. I know hours also often vary to accommodate people and libraries really try to serve the public. At some point, though, social inequities are such that access becomes difficult. 6y
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Just adding a few more suggestions for @MrBook 's book-themed #tbrtemptation #blamelitsy series... 😇

MrBook Oooh! Good one 😁👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻! 8y
saguarosally @MrBook 👍👍 8y
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