These are such cool thoughts about God and philosophy. I found this one by Jesuit Teilhard de Chardin and his thoughts on evolution and creationism are very unique. This is such a beautiful thought. That seems very cool and Christian too.
These are such cool thoughts about God and philosophy. I found this one by Jesuit Teilhard de Chardin and his thoughts on evolution and creationism are very unique. This is such a beautiful thought. That seems very cool and Christian too.
This is an extraordinary book. I say that as someone who has had very little to do with writing it. All I did, really, was “show up,“ ask a few questions, then take dictation. This book has been on the New York Times bestseller list for 91 weeks,This book took years to write. It did not come easily
if there is anything relatable about standing your ground and being a good person in the bad world, perhaps it is that such people see beauty all around them. So, if you see beauty in everything you realize that, in essence, all of Life is a conversation with God. When people remember that and attribute their success to the owner of the Universe (who they think is God) it's easier to be grateful even. Who knows its divine timing almost.
Embrace the process and move through it with peace, wisdom, and joy. Grant your God the benefit of the doubt. Use your Now Moment for the Highest Purpose the creation and the expression of Who You Really are. Assume responsibility for ourselves.
Suppose you could ask God any question and get an answer. What would it be? Young people all over the world have been asking those questions. Here is a picture of Jesus actor Jonathan Roumie. If I met God, I sure have lots to ask. Lots.
Visualization is a key element of 'manifestation'. Visualization techniques usually involve using a vision board to make it easy for you to clearly see your goals. It is a collage of images and powerful words or phrases that evoke the visuals, objects, and sensations you associate with the successful achievement of your goal. Oprah Winfrey swears them, saying that the simple technique can help one achieve the grandest vision of their dreams 🤓
It is important to spend time each day, reflecting on things that bring you gratitude, even when times are tough there is so much to be grateful for! Once you get into the habit of focusing on gratitude, the universe will give you all that you require with a blend of Love, Harmony, and Abundance.
Somewhere along the way, you have to just trust Life. But I think there is a way to do this. (my thoughts) to trust in life, sometimes God can help. One needs to spend time in prayer while acknowledging who he is. Meet with others (believers) and set your eyes on things bigger than your situation. This kind of attitude will help you
“Affirmations do not work if they are merely statements of what you want to be true. Affirmations work only when they are statements of something you already know to be true.” I believe these words, and so will anyone if they saw this cute pic of Jonathan Roumie from his younger days. Jesus Christ must have been like any one of us, naive, innocent,,, and needing God. This book is a must-read/watch!
The way out of judgment is through the power of gratitude (which helps see things through a different lens. Gratitude in a sense, opens the door, to our hearts, and softens places where we were rigid.
(image of the beautiful HIC who plays Jesus Christ in The Gospel Of John)
“Be a gift to everyone who enters your life,
and everyone whose life, you enter.
Be careful not to enter another's life, if you cannot be a Gift!“
(You can always be a gift because YOU always are the gift, yet sometimes you don't know that)
All of this is what led you to this book. As I told you, you called it to you! It may have reached you indirectly, but you did choose to read it! And since you made that choice, you are holding this book 'Conversations with God' in your hands. You called the book to you (perhaps even subconsciously) The Wisdom, that resides in you is something you are ready to experience - There must be another way to live.
...They will change it (the world) by moving through it rather quietly, largely unseen but remembered by those whose lives they touch. They will change it by being different. By acting in a different way. By marching to a different drummer. By living life differently, 'as if their life had different rules'...These are the changers. It's just the way they are, it's just who they are, when they enter a room the world seems nicer
... Being different for the sake of being different, is child's play. Being different for the sake of making a difference is another thing altogether. That's for those who want their lives to count for something. Not in the eyes of others ( you know sometimes, depending on the situation, that this does not count) but in their own eyes. There are some people who can make a real difference on this planet with their lives.
Some people never stop asking questions. Even some adults are like that, but many aren't. Too many, they have been brought into a Religion, or a Philosophy, or a Political Party, or all three, and they are done with asking questions since they think, they've already got the answers. They don't. The world today is not acting as if it had any answers at all that make sense. But the world is not ready to hear this. You?
Now it may sound good if I said that I ponder my questions for hours, meditating and praying, and remaining in the stillness, until I am brought to enlightenment, and tremble with the energy of God, flowing through my fingertips. But the truth is, I put down the first thing that comes to my head. There's no editing, no changing down, no 'toning down', or fixing up. It's just a matter of hearing and writing like dictation
God is talking to us all the time. We are continually being communicated with by the Universe. Life is constantly telling Life about Life. Life is always sending us messages. True Wisdom may be found in the chance utterance of a friend you meet in the street, in the lyrics you hear in the next song you hear on the radio, the words on the billboard, the voice in your head, or this book that just happened to come to your hands.
For most people, the most believable way for God to show up in their lives would be as an apparition, with me appearing in robes, and handing over a tablet. (the way one would expect the Good Lord to) I have done those things. But do you think I am limited to those things? More often, much more often, I come to people in a more natural way, as a much more integral part of life itself, like thoughts, feelings or inspiration.
“This is what your religions mean when they say that you were created in the ‘image and likeness of God‘ … Our essence is the same. We are composed of the same stuff. We ARE the ‘same stuff‘! With all the same properties and abilities – including the ability to create physical reality out of thin air “
(pic of Henry Ian Cusick who plays Jesus Christ in the Gospel Of John)