Heather: "Reincarnation is popular in Eastern religions but not widely accepted by Christians. This author shows a link between the two doctrines and unravels questions that have created confusion. I'm a Christian. We are told that once the soul leaves the body there's a judgement, but not that you get to return and continue to learn. I want to believe that we're intended to grow and evolve – not to be condemned." #newyork
LorieL There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ. 💙 He died for us to save us from our sins. We don't have to earn heaven. 😊 #Goodnews 8y
nadine_swartz LorieL, we definitely didn't come up in the same church; fundamentalism taught me just the opposite. 😢 I can really relate to this reader needing something more. 8y
TheBookAddict @nadine_swartz I think you and I attended the same church...sounds like an interesting read. 8y
LorieL @nadine_swartz I'm praying for you on your journey. 💜 8y