Moving from one summer house in North Carolina (finished this am) to another in Rhode Island (starting now). I‘m not sure I‘ve ever read two books with the #sametitle before.
Moving from one summer house in North Carolina (finished this am) to another in Rhode Island (starting now). I‘m not sure I‘ve ever read two books with the #sametitle before.
Today's word: PEACEFUL
A peaceful cover, but a bit of tension inside. :)
THE SUMMER HOUSE by Hannah McKinnon.
#Yesvember17 #YESvember @Libby1
I rarely buy print books but tonight decided finally to buy this for $10 something because my library doesn't have it so imagine my sheer joy at discovering the kindle book was only $2 😍😍
FULL Review on my blog at this link: https://silversolara.blogspot.com/2017/06/the-summer-house-by-hannah-mckinnon.ht...
"Grief was like an omnipresent bird of prey, always circling. She felt its shadow, but she couldn‘t tell when it would strike. Whether it was induced by the logistics of navigating clogged interstate highways with two hungry, exhausted children, or by the smooth, cool surface of a seashell pressed in the palm of her hand by her youngest child, the grief always found her."