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The Dark Man
The Dark Man | Stephen King
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SUPERANNO Stephen King first wrote about the Dark Man in college after he envisioned a faceless man in cowboy boots and jeans and a denim jacket forever walking the roads. Later this dark man would come to be known around the world as one of King's greatest villains, Randall Flagg, but at the time King only had simple questions on his mind: Where was this man going? What had he seen and done? What terrible things?
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The Dark Man | Stephen King
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The poem that started it all and introduced the world to The Man in Black aka Randall Flagg. I need this to add to my collection (along with the Secretary of Dreams volumes) but they are impossible to find for a decent price anymore.

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The Dark Man | Stephen King
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Really cool. I didn‘t even know this existed. It‘s an illustrated poem. Stephen King‘s first glimpses of the creation that would become Randall Flagg, or Walter, or the Man in Black, were in a poem he wrote back in the late 60s. It actually a really intriguing poem, and it is interesting to see the seeds of such a prominent character. The illustrations work.

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Dark Man | Stephen King
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I didn't want to post a page containing a bit of the poem or illustration because I don't want to give anything away. This is magnificent and I encourage fans of King and/or poetry to check it out. #litsypoetry365

SharonGoforth Will do, thanks! 7y
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Dark Man | Stephen King
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In anticipation of @SharonGoforth 's #LitsyPoetry365 in 2017, I just returned from the library with these jewels:
Stephen King-The Dark Man
Joyce Carol Oates-The Time Traveler
Sandra Cisneros-Loose Women
Adrienne Rich-Fox
Richard Wright-Haiku
Charles Simic-The World Doesn't End
#seasonsreading2016 #poetry

Megabooks 👍🏻👍🏻 8y
SharonGoforth Yay!!!😊📚📚 8y
SharonGoforth And thanks for reminding me I need to add some Adrianne Rich to my stacks 😊 8y
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