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Die Komplizin
Die Komplizin: Thriller | Nicci French
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Wer ist gefährlicher? Ein Feind? Ein Freund? Oder ein Liebhaber? Bonnie Graham steht in der Wohnung einer Freundin. Vor ihr liegt die Leiche eines Mannes: Hayden. Hayden Booth – begabter Musiker, attraktiver Lebemann, gefährlicher Verführer. Sechs Wochen lang hat er mit einer Gruppe von Musikern unter Bonnies Leitung geprobt. Sechs Wochen hat es gedauert, bis sich Liebe in Lüge verkehrte, Freundschaft in Verbrechen und Leidenschaft in Mord ...
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#12Booksof2020 #TheOtherSideOfTheDoor #NicciFrench

Just finished this book this morning for NetGalley. Will be published on April 27 2021 but I have a physical copy from 2009 when it was first published under the title Complicit. I really liked this book a lot and had a hard time putting it down. The story switched between The Before and The After of The Murder. The ending was a surprise. I loved all the twists. Will be reading more books by them

Andrew65 I love their books but been a while since I read one. Think I have read Complicit. (edited) 4y
EadieB @Andrew65 You may have because I know you read a few of their earlier books. 4y
Andrew65 @EadieB I think I went through a period when I read most of the books prior to the Frieda Klein series. 4y
EadieB @Andrew65 I think you are right. I only read this one before Frieda books: 4y
Andrew65 @EadieB That wasn‘t a favourite of mine. A lot better ones out there. 4y
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Complicit | Nicci French

Toggling between before and after kept confusing me. Started off slow but picked up pace towards the end. No element of surprise but felt a little off when the killer was revealed.

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