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The Real Story
The Real Story: The Gap into Conflict | Stephen R. Donaldson
12 posts | 5 read | 2 to read
Author of The Chronicles Of Thomas Covenant, one of the most acclaimed fantasy series of all time, master storyteller Stephen R. Donaldson retums with this exciting and long-awaited new series that takes us into a stunningly imagined future to tell a timeless story of adventure and the implacable conflict of good and evil within each of us. Angus Thermopyle was an ore pirate and a murderer; even the most disreputable asteroid pilots of Delta Sector stayed locked out of his way. Those who didn't ended up in the lockup--or dead. But when Thermopyle arrived at Mallory's Bar & Sleep with a gorgeous woman by his side the regulars had to take notice. Her name was Morn Hyland, and she had been a police officer--until she met up with Thermopyle. But one person in Mallorys Bar wasn't intimidated. Nick Succorso had his own reputation as a bold pirate and he had a sleek frigate fitted for deep space. Everyone knew that Thermopyle and Succorso were on a collision course. What nobody expected was how quickly it would be over--or how devastating victory would be. It was common enough example of rivalry and revenge--or so everyone thought. The REAL story was something entirely different. In The Real Story, Stephen R. Donaldson takes us to a remarkably detailed world of faster-than-light travel, politics, betrayal, and a shadowy presence just outside our view to tell the fiercest, most profound story he has ever written. From the Paperback edition.
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“It began when Morn Hyland came into Mallorys with Angus Thermopyle. Those two called attention to themselves because they obviously didn‘t belong together. Except for her ill-fitting and outdated shipsuit, which she must‘ve scrounged from someone else‘s locker, she was #gorgeous, with a body that made drunks groan in lost yearning and a pale, delicate beauty of face that twisted dreamers‘ hearts.” #QuotsyJuly19

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"...one out of every hundred people had some kind of undetectable vulnerability in the tissue of the brain; and when that vulnerability was translated across light-years of space through the imponderable physics of the gap, something happened to it. Otherwise healthy individuals lost command of their lives in invariably startling, often grotesque, and sometimes murderous fashions.

There was no cure for gap-sickness."

#Void #QuotsyMay18

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"...the Station itself as a matter of policy fired on any ship which tried to pursue any other ship out of dock." #pursuit #QuotsyApril18

UglyOldBat That's a great pic! How did you make it? 6y
TK-421 @abandonallhope Thanks! 😊 It was a multi-step process that started with a simple screen shot. I cropped & adjusted it in the Aviary app, using a few different effects, overlays & enhancements, then placed it on the striped background in Pic Collage. Last, I imported it into Litsy & played with it some more, using overlays & filters. 6y
UglyOldBat Nice ☺ Good job 6y
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His swarthy features were broad and stretched, a frog-face with stiff whiskers and streaks of grease. #face #QuotsyMarch18 #QuotsyCatchup

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See? That ain't right. I'm 159 pages in and NOW you tell me how to pronounce your main character's name?! Naw, naw, naw. I'm with Succorso here. It's Thermo-pile. Like Thermo-pile-of-crap.

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"...one idea comes first...yet despite its apparent...potential, it stubbornly refuses to grow. Rather than expanding to take on character, event, and context, it simply sits in my head—often for many years—saying over and over again, “Look at me, you idiot. If you just looked at me, you would know what to do with me.” Well, I do look; but I can‘t see what I need—until the first idea is intersected by the second." #Creativity #QuotsyJan18

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"That, of course, was not the real #story." I've posted this one before, but I'm posting it again because I love the way this sentence draws you into the book. What better way to end the first chapter? I enjoyed this series, but it's dark & pretty messed up so it may not be for everyone. #QuotsyJan18

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"Most of the crowd had no idea what restrained them. She was a mystery, of course. But he certainly didn't have a reputation for restraint. Nearly two weeks later, however, they did what everyone was #waiting for. When Com-Mine Security broke into Mallorys and charged Angus Thermopyle with a crime serious enough to make an arrest succeed even in DelSec, Morn Hyland was suddenly at Nick's side. And just as suddenly they were gone." #QuotsyJan18

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“However, once the magic of the imagination has been accepted as given, any specific answer to the question often becomes almost violently anti-creative: for instance, “Well, I got that particular idea off a can of Lysol disinfectant in the men‘s room at Circle K.”...Such an answer may be perfectly accurate, but who wants to say it out loud? In these cases, the concrete source of the idea seems to demean its underlying imaginative magic.” 👇

TK-421 #QuotsyJan18 Stephen R. Donaldson talking about #Inspiration in the afterword of 7y
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I don't personally know anyone else who's read Donaldson's Gap series, or any of his other non-Thomas Covenant works, and since I seem to be the only person on Litsy who's posted anything about these books, I figure they are a fit for #obscurelove. Donaldson is one of my favourite writers. I loved this dark and often disturbing series in spite of the violence, horror, and despicable characters. #17BookLove

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This scene, occurring at least halfway through the first book in the Gap series, is where I discovered I had been mentally mispronouncing Angus Thermopyle's name. It's Ther-mop-a-lee, not Thermo-pile. Well, sh*t. I should mention that while I love the name, the character is a complete bastard - a selfish, cowardly, abusive asshole. #bestcharactername #booktober

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I've read a lot of Stephen Donaldson's work; he's got so much more to offer than just Thomas Covenant! The characters in the Gap series are messed up, yet so intriguing!