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The Dot | Peter H. Reynolds
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Day 3 of #CoverLove is dots. Well, this is one big dot, but it works, right?

@Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @eggs

kspenmoll I posted about the same book!😀 2d
Coffeymuse @kspenmoll It was the first book I thought of and seems very popular this morning! 2d
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks It‘s perfect 🧡 2d
willaful Love this book! 1d
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The Dot | Peter H. Reynolds
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This book was a favorite of the 3year olds I taught in years past. Warm memories! #coverlove #dots #day3

Coffeymuse Great minds! I also chose this book for the prompt this morning! 2d
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Perfect 🧡 2d
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The Dot | Peter H. Reynolds
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Coffeymuse Great minds! I also chose this book for the prompt this morning! 2d
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Excellent 🧡 2d
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I just read another story from this book. It‘s about a father being in the hospital with cancer and his son visited him. The story was called The Two-Hundredth Hug. It wasn‘t a feel-good story. It made me cry but I‘m confused because I thought these were all supposed to be feel-good stories. I think it‘s because it made me think about my dad when he was in the hospital. I didn‘t want to think about that because it‘s depressing.

The Dot | Peter H. Reynolds
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Her teacher smiled. "Just make a mark and see where it takes you.”




Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 🟠⚪️🟠 2d
Eggs @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 😍🙏🏻🥰 2d
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If you‘re a Succulent Wild Woman-raise your hand!🙋🏻‍♀️I‘ve always loved SARK & her invitation to live an authentic, juicy life & celebrate our marvelousness! Had this book since 1997. Then SARK added 4 new chapters & gave us the 25th Anniversary Edition. Finally read them both! Now I‘m ready to honor my wildness, dance with my wonder-full self & celebrate my gorgeous friendships with all my succulent friends. How about you?💃🏻

UwannaPublishme Need a lift? SARK has a free inspiration phone line: 415-546-3742 2d
UwannaPublishme This is also my little late #BookSpin read for June 🤦🏻‍♀️. @TheAromaofBooks 2d
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 2d
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#SummerSouls Day 29: Definitely #Shells here.

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 🐚👏🏻🦞 6d
Eggs Wonderful quote choice 🐚 🦞 🦐 5d
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I just read the first story in here and I liked it but I‘m going to take my time reading this. I read the Chicken Soup book for women this month all at one time. It was too much but I don‘t think I would have gotten more out of it if I took my time reading it because I couldn‘t relate to a lot of the stories. This book only has 1 section of stories about parenting which is not bad but I won‘t be able to relate because I‘m not a parent.

kelli7990 (Continued in comments) My mom and I take care of our dog. I also take care of the birds in the backyard. Last summer, I had Bees in my bird bath and they were hanging around me when I was rinsing out the bird bath. Recently, one of the Bees came back. Now, I have Bees to take care of too because they‘re going to be starving for water this Summer. 1w
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I started the tagged book on my Kindle and it says this about how to read it. The problem I might have is that once I start reading the first story in here, I will want to keep going with the entire book without stopping. I need to take my time when reading these Chicken Soup books since they‘re short stories instead of reading it all at once like I did with the other one I read that‘s for women. This would be good to read in between other books.

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Here‘s my review for this book I just finished reading. I‘m counting this book for #bookspinbingo.