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The Fighter
The Fighter | Michael Farris Smith
15 posts | 6 read | 8 to read
Critically-acclaimed novelist Michael Farris Smith, "one of the best writers of his generation" (Tom Franklin), delivers again with The Fighter, a powerful and resonant novel of violence and tenderness, the past and the present, and the impact of the unexpected, set against the mythic backdrop of the Mississippi Delta. The acres and acres of fertile soil, the two-hundred year old antebellum house, all gone. And so is the woman who gave it to Jack, the foster mother who now rests in hospice care, the family legacy she entrusted to Jack now owned by banks and strangers. And Jack's mind has begun to fail, too, as concussion after concussion forces him to carry around a notebook of names that separate friend from foe and remind him of dangerous haunts to avoid. But in a single twisted night he is derailed. Hijacked by a no-good harmonica player out to settle a score, Jack loses the money that will clear his debt with Big Momma Sweet, the queen of Delta vice, whose deep backwoods playground offers sin to all those willing to pay. Yet this same chain of events introduces an unlikely savior in the form of a sultry, tattooed carnival worker. Guided by what she calls her "church of coincidence", Annette pushes Jack toward redemption in her own free-spirited way, only to discover that the world of Big Momma Sweet is filled with savage danger. Damaged by regret, crippled by twenty-five years of fists and elbows, heartbroken at his own betrayals, Jack the Jaw is forced to step into the fighting pit one last time, the stakes nothing less than life or death.
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The Fighter | Michael Farris Smith
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This has been in my #TBR for a long time. So glad I finally picked it up. Dark and moody and fabulous.

The Fighter | Michael Farris Smith
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1. 18
2. 45
3. Rabbit Cake
4. The Fighter (already out and five stars), Only Human, and the new Ruth Ware

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Landagail You make me feel good . Everybody else has read 50 or more books. I‘ve only read 24 but I work full time and don‘t get home till 700 most nights. I always love seeing what you read 6y
LisaJo @Landagail I have a full-time job too. And most of the time I‘m there later than my 40 hours. I am a slow reader. And, I made the mistake of getting a Netflix subscription. But I‘m OK with my 45 bucks a year even though some people read that in a month. I know that there are lots of us small amount of book readers out there. We should form a club. 6y
Landagail I so agree . I read fast but I get up at 430 leave. House around 530 hour commute to Nashville and the reverse in the evening. I am ok with reading the amt I do because I know how busy I am. 6y
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The Fighter | Michael Farris Smith
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Once again Michael Farris Smith has written a great book. Like most of his books this one is bleak. I would not call it sad; to call it sad is to underplay the emotions that you feel while reading his books. Thru it all there is a bit of hope. Once again I read this one way to close to publication date; I read too quickly. How long will I have to wait for his next book? It‘ll be worth it...Five stars. Truly a master class in what words can do.

The Fighter | Michael Farris Smith
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I have 20 pages left in this book. I have been putting off finishing it. I actually even cleaned a room in my house, LOL, instead of finishing the book. I just don‘t want it to end. And, it will in 20 pages. Have you ever put off finishing a book because you just didn‘t want it to end?

Zelma That certainly is a strong endorsement. I know what you mean but I typically race through anyway. 7y
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The Fighter | Michael Farris Smith
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“He tore his favorite pages from the books and taped them on the inside of his closet door…” WHAT!!??? Oh the carnage. 😳🙀🔪 🥊

Swe_Eva 😂 7y
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The Fighter | Michael Farris Smith
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1. Goodreads by year read. Notebook by author and book title.
2. I like all perspectives. I personally like the trend of multiple narratives and points of view in the same book.
3. I will be sitting holding my phone clicking on Litsy every 10/15 minutes waiting for it to come back. JK. Most of the time I‘ll be asleep. Then the rest of the time I‘ll be at work. #I‘mGood
4. Tag you are it.
#triviathursday @GarthRanzz

The Fighter | Michael Farris Smith
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And finally, my last post, thank you for indulging. A copy of the book. I have been looking forward to this since I finished Desperation Road last year, middle of last year. If this book is even a quarter as good as Desperation Road, I will love it. I love me some Lit Grit. My evening is planned.

The Fighter | Michael Farris Smith
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And they included this pretty awesome bookmark. A real bookmark for a real book.

The Fighter | Michael Farris Smith
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And they included this pretty awesome bookmark. A real bookmark for a real book.

The Fighter | Michael Farris Smith
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Lumeria also covers the dust jacket in plastic like you would find at the library. Unlike some the libraries they do not tape to the dustcover. Not only do they protect your book while in the mail, they protect your dust jacket. That is some mighty fine love of books there.

The Fighter | Michael Farris Smith
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*The first on many posts* Last year my favorite book was Desperation Road by Michael Farris Smith. If you have not read it, read it read it read it. So, I could not wait for his next book to come out. And it arrived today from Lumeria Books in Jacksonville, MS. Seriously, you can tell these people love books: first off they wrap it in brown paper which they then put in bubble wrap which they then put in a book mailing box. #booklove

ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled My husband just had to go to Jackson for work and got me a t-shirt from that place! Sounds cool! 7y
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The Fighter | Michael Farris Smith
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Michael Farris Smith is a rad dude (that‘s him looking at me while taking this awkward photo). I loved his latest novel. Dirty southern grit. Beat down characters with the hope of redemption. I read it in a sitting. Go out get this today!

LisaJo Mine just got here from Lemuria. My evening is planned. 7y
AustenJennings @LisaJo Whoa! Thanks for buying from us! I had a blast reading this book 👻 Also, that was me that packed up your book! 7y
LisaJo @AustenJennings Thank you for doing such a nice job of packing up the book. I‘m 50 pages in and it seems so wrong to enjoy a book that is so bleak so far. But, that‘s what I‘ve come to expect from a Michael Farris Smith book. And I love it. 7y
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The Fighter | Michael Farris Smith
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Here we go again.... 👀

The Fighter | Michael Farris Smith
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I'm a little under the weather today, and I looked up from my book and 👀. (He's not allowed in here and I'm not sure how he got in?)

Tamra They sneak, one paw at a time. 7y
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The Fighter | Michael Farris Smith
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I told my editor I was frozen in place today, and he said, "Southerners don't know what to do with ice unless it's in a cocktail glass." That's not completely true -- I have a fire, hot chocolate, and super amazing books!

TheWordJar Oooooh, that Circe looks fantastic!! 7y
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