Letting the teen sleep in after tromping around the city for 2 days. #nycrooftops
Letting the teen sleep in after tromping around the city for 2 days. #nycrooftops
I tried to read this book but it was so dry, every time I could only get through maybe 2 pages and start falling asleep!! Every time.. no matter day or night!! #snoozefest
I‘m trying to read this .. more to come as I get farther into it
I like this book. It's like the White House meets Journey to the Center of the Earth meets Downton Abbey...in the 1890s. I like it a lot. Old English YA rocks!! #noanxietyyet
"Remember, little baron, the motto of the Trumps, Per Ardua ad Astra--the pathway to glory is strewn with pitfalls and dangers--but the comforting thought shall ever be mine, that when thy keen intelligence fails, Bulger's unerring instinct will be there to guide thee."
???(Um, Bulger is the dog).
Ok so this weekend, I was at my MIL's and she tells me about this book. It's about a kid named Baron Trump, who goes on a marvelous journey to Russia on a time machine. In the sequel, entitled "The Last President", there are riots at a 5th Avenue Hotel in NY. Um, the issue with this book is it wasn't written recently. It was written in...1893! Some folks swear that Trump has a time machine, but I think the author may have had premonitions. WDYT???