#decinreads17 #day28 - #authoryouvemet
One more shout-out to my old college prof.'s great collection of autobiographical essays.
#decinreads17 #day28 - #authoryouvemet
One more shout-out to my old college prof.'s great collection of autobiographical essays.
Confess to being a little biased, as I know the author (hey, Dr. Barr!), but the stories he has to tell hit hard; tragic and funny, the latter in a way that gets at down-home folksiness without being overwhelmed by it. Definitely worth your time.
#riotgrams #day4 - #currentread
A lot of what I'm reading right now is on my phone, which doesn't make for the most photogenic post. Still enjoying this collection of essays.
#catchingup on #awesomeautumnbooks #day13 - #hardlessons
If anyone's learned a hard lesson, it's me about the folly of keeping up with three daily theme challanges.
#catchingup on #anditsaugust #day28 - #indiepresses
Courtesy of Third Lung Press, with yet another shout-out to my former "Media" and "Southern Jewish History" professor Terry Barr.
#catchingup on #anditsaugust #day25 - #framed
Came across this book by my old college professor in M. Judson's #localauthors section.