Really interesting novel about an American who gets stranded with the Chukchi people in eastern Russia and learns to love their way of life. #archipelagobooks
Really interesting novel about an American who gets stranded with the Chukchi people in eastern Russia and learns to love their way of life. #archipelagobooks
I actually squealed when I got this early birthday order of books from Archipelago publishing. I had emailed that I wasn‘t able to access one of their sales (seemed like a website glitch) but just ordered the books I wanted anyway. They sent a lovely handwritten note with TWO free books. Love smaller book publishers!! #archipelagobooks
Frankly blown away by this book. The language describing Chukchi life and their environment is wonderful. The mostly uninvited and negative impact of “civilization” was very fairly treated and the evolution of the white protagonist in his journey to become human is poignant.
This book may be the most geographically far out book I‘ve ever read. Might as well be on another planet. A few chapters in and in love with the language and landscape. I don‘t wanna live there, however! 😨
Got my first box from #bookvoyage and so far, so good! Excited to try the teas and the book looks fascinating.