I seem to be on a Dirty Realism kick. What a horrible label but I guess it gives me a category to look up similar writing. Raymond Carver seems to be the point of reference. So why not start with Granta 8 where they got that label.
tkmadden Jayne Anne ❤️❤️❤️❤️ 9y
brendanmleonard Have you read Russell Banks? 9y
mauveandrosysky I highly recommend this one! 9y
There Must Be Some Mistake
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ReadingEnvy Is there a difference between "dirty realism" and "grit lit?" 9y
squarepeginroundhole @brendanmleonard I have not. Do you have a recommendation as to where to start? Thx. 9y
squarepeginroundhole @mauveandrosysky thx! Will Check it out. 9y
squarepeginroundhole @ReadingEnvy I don't know much about grit lit. I'm sure there's some crossover. Dirty realism, as I understand it, was a label (not so much a genre) of post war writers who worked in the realist tradition and wrote in a minimalistic style, about ordinary or underclass people. 9y
squarepeginroundhole If anyone knows more and can add to topic, please do! And recommendations are always welcome. 9y
brendanmleonard @squarepeginroundhole I like Rule of the Bone and Sweet Hereafter for Banks. I will think about this topic. 9y