Traveling Spirit: Daily Tools for Your Life's Journey | Diana J. Ensign, JD
Traveling Spirit shares practical spiritual tools for your life’s journey. This is the perfect book for anyone seeking help and guidance with human suffering. If you have experienced difficulties associated with grief, loss, addictions, or dealing with any of life’s challenges, Ensign’s book offers a path from suffering to happiness. That path begins within. The journey to wholeness starts with the breath, an essential tool for any spiritual undertaking. Traveling Spirit then explores ancient spiritual techniques, from the more common practices such as yoga and meditation to the lesser-known practices of t’ai chi and shamanism. Find the joy in learning to apply spiritual tools in your daily life. Ensign’s book shows us the link between practicing our daily routines to building a more loving world community. A percentage of the profits from the book support the Lambi Fund of Haiti, which works on reforestation in Haiti, along with women’s and girls’ health, nutrition, and education. Visit them online at “Based on Diana J. Ensign’s firsthand experience within many religious and healing traditions, Traveling Spirit is an honest, practical, and transformational blueprint for living a joyously spirited life.” —Virginia R. Mollenkott, PhD, author of Sensuous Spirituality Diana J. Ensign, JD, is a contemporary author of daily living spirituality. Her background includes Buddhist meditation, Al-Anon, Unitarian Universalism, Native American ceremonies, Goddess rituals, Science of Mind, Shamanism, and religious readings across a diverse spectrum of beliefs and practices. Visit her monthly blog at