Box Turtle at Long Lake by William T George is a NF PR read that would be especially great for your local Florida students! As dawn breaks, the turtle crawls out of the log where he spent the night and heads for the pond. He passes the day searching for grapes and hunting worms. When a raccoon overturns the turtle and eats all of his worms, the turtle tries to catch grasshoppers and to find more grapes.
JanaLL He burrows into another nesting spot for the night. Magnificent gouache paintings depict a turtle's-eye view of the pond and the woods surrounding it. #ucflae3414f17 EL 16 - Integrate speaking, listening, reading, and writing activities. UDL 2.1 - Clarify vocabulary and symbols. 7y
JanaLL http://www.readwritethink.org/classroom-resources/lesson-plans/reading-informati... This lesson plan allows students to learn how to use the 3-2-1 strategy while reading which involves writing about 3 things they discovered, 2 things they found interesting, and 1 question they still have after reading. 7y
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