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The Dream Quest of Unknown Kadath
The Dream Quest of Unknown Kadath | H. P. Lovecraft
7 posts | 8 read | 1 reading | 5 to read
The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath is a novella by H. P. Lovecraft. Randolph Carter dreams three times of a majestic sunset city, but each time he is abruptly snatched away before he can see it up close. When he prays to the gods of dream to reveal the whereabouts of the phantasmal city, they do not answer, and his dreams of the city stop altogether. Undaunted, Carter resolves to go to Kadath, where the gods live, to beseech them in person. However, no one has ever been to Kadath and none even knows how to get there. In dream, Randolph Carter descends "the seventy steps to the cavern of flame" and speaks of his plan to the priests Nasht and Kaman-Thah, whose temple borders the Dreamlands. The priests warn Carter of the great danger of his quest and suggest that the gods withdrew his vision of the city on purpose.
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I do NOT agree with Lovecrafts racism in any form, however, I still adore his work. “Kadath“ is a story more based in fantasy than horror, which took me some time to getting used to. It has this LotR feeling, just missing it's depth. It could've worked if it would've been longer. I loved the cats and the ghouls. I think they're somewhat adorable 😅
Not Lovecrafts strongest work, but still an interesting read.

AnnCrystal 💝☺️👍. Interesting scene in the background. The spines form a picture? How fascinating! 8mo
Jari-chan @AnnCrystal Thank you 😁 It's the Marvel Comics Collection 😊 8mo
AnnCrystal @Jari-chan 📚❕WOW ☺️👍. 8mo
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Bookwomble I have a penchant for the Dreamland Cycle. The Cats of Ulthar are the best! 😸 8mo
Jari-chan @AnnCrystal 😊🤭 8mo
Jari-chan @Bookwomble So nice! I really want to reread the Cats of Ulthar now 😸 8mo
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Snagged 7 HP Lovesauce books for (dd on ebay. @Bookwomble Thoughts?

Bookwomble Those Panther editions are fantastic, aren't they! 😍 I have The Horror in the Burying Ground in that edition, the others in others. Fantastic haul, and some great reading to be done 😊 If you fancy doing a buddy read on any of them, I'm in! 12mo
The_Book_Ninja Good morning. Sounds good. Pick one and let‘s do it. Heads up though, I‘m a very slow reader🤦🏻 12mo
bthegood @The_Book_Ninja @Bookwomble Mind if I join in? I enjoy horror and yet (unbelievably) have not read any Lovecraft -I was looking at Horror in the Museum - is that a good place to start? (edited) 12mo
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The_Book_Ninja @bthegood you are more than welcome to join in! I only just read my first Lovecraft too. Do you have Horror in the Museum too? 12mo
bthegood @The_Book_Ninja thank you and I do have that (I'm able to download it from the library) - 🙂 12mo
The_Book_Ninja @bthegood superb…let‘s wait for @Bookwomble as I‘m sure he has that one too👍🏼 12mo
Bookwomble @bthegood @The_Book_Ninja The confidence with which I said I had your bookhaul in other editions was hubristically misplaced 😔 I do, however, have all but two of the stories in Horror at the Museum in other editions, so I think I can manage 😊. 🤔💭 Those Panthers are hard to come by now - that was a good purchase! I think I might get a more recent cheaper edition so I have those other couple of stories. Anyway, what say we read one story at ⬇️ 12mo
Bookwomble @The_Book_Ninja a time, starting with the title story? @bthegood Ellie, what edition do you have? There are several collections of this title with different contents, so it will be useful to synchronise the running order 😊 This link is to the Panther edition which Jay Tee has, with its contents: https://www.isfdb.org/cgi-bin/pl.cgi?180941 12mo
The_Book_Ninja @Bookwomble sounds good to me!👍🏼 12mo
Bookwomble @bthegood When should we begin? 12mo
The_Book_Ninja I‘m ready to go👍🏼 12mo
bthegood @The_Book_Ninja @Bookwomble I don't have the same edition - library edition has intro by Stephen Jones and is by Ballantine Books - I do have title story- I say start now - I'm ready and thanks for letting me join 🙂 (edited) 12mo
The_Book_Ninja @bthegood ok great👍🏼 12mo
Bookwomble @bthegood Ah, you've got one with lots of other stories, too 😊 We should be able to cover a fair few of them, I think. And, ok, let's saddle up! 😁 12mo
The_Book_Ninja @bthegood is this an early example of what the kids call meta? Stephen Jones is the MC in The Horror in the Museum🤔 12mo
bthegood @The_Book_Ninja @Bookwomble - oh, this is going to be fun!! 12mo
Bookwomble @The_Book_Ninja I noticed that, too! Jones is a Lovecraft scholar - I've other books edited by him, though I'm now wondering if that's his real name 😄 12mo
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Verba Docent

This was a unique ramble through HPL's dream cycle material. The plot reads like a tabletop fantasy RPG game (which is very fun)! The atmosphere (HPL's greatest skill, IMO) is wonderful. Unlike some of his longer tales, this one does not include an overly detailed excursus on some facet of cosmic geometry or alien physiology. The whimsical (but also dark) nature of the tale reminds me of Alice in Wonderland, but with a focused plot.

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#QuotsyMay19 Day 24: #Doom and Death and Despair. So many Ds. 😱🧚🏼‍♀️💕📚

Leniverse I love The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath. It might be my favourite Lovecraft story. 5y
Leniverse Through the Gates of the Silver Key, on the other hand, is awful. 🙄 5y
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Boy, I sure am glad that's over. So. Many. Adjectives.

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Hey HP Lovecraft, have anyone ever talked to you about the concept of "show don't tell"? Because man this is the most telly tale ever told I kid you not


Finally decided to read some HP Lovecraft but am struggling immensly with this story.

BookishFeminist I love HP Lovecraft (even though he's problematic as heck) but not a fan of this one either. Try some Cthulhu ones or Dagon--those are some of his more well-known works. 8y
BooksTeasAndBookishThings I have an extra hardback copy of a collection of his work. Giving away to a Litsy user if you are interested. You can see the post on my page =) 8y
wordcrown @BookishFeminist I'm reading a collection of some of his works, with some short stories as well as novellas, and some of the later ones are from the Cthulu mythos, so hopefully I'll like them better. I liked the short stories well enough though :) 8y
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