Grace continues his track of giving Iceman, one of the most underused and unappreciated characters in the X-Men cannon, direction and, therefore, appeal with clever character interactions and thrilling action.
Grace continues his track of giving Iceman, one of the most underused and unappreciated characters in the X-Men cannon, direction and, therefore, appeal with clever character interactions and thrilling action.
I took a tiny break from X-FACTOR so I could finally read ICEMAN #11 (yes, hello, I'm perpetually behind on pop culture), so I now know Rictor eventually grows a moustache.
I mean... I guess it's all good if it makes him happy? Even if I personally feel moustaches should always be paired with beards, and Rictor's solo stache distracted me so bad I didn't even notice his little soul patch thing until just now?
#bookandboardgame That was a pretty blah ending to an otherwise great series. Sorry to see it end.
If I were pals with Rogue, I'd totally humblebrag about it whenever the opportunity arose.
In related news, I fell waaaaay behind on ICEMAN because there's no comics store in this town, but a bunch of issues are currently $0.96 on Kindle so I'm gonna have me a catch-up night. I know I said ALL-NEW WOLVERINE is my favourite current X-book, but I lied. It's tied with ICEMAN. #comics