I do not agree with all of Chakrabarti‘s views or politics but am enjoying this so far - there is lots of ideas and content but it‘s not at all dense.
I do not agree with all of Chakrabarti‘s views or politics but am enjoying this so far - there is lots of ideas and content but it‘s not at all dense.
I was pleasantly surprised by this book! From the powerful blurb I half expected it to be an angry belittlement but Chakrabarti knows her stuff!
Every argument is put across in a concise way, every angle is looked at, everything is backed up by facts and the tone is steady and intelligent.
It‘s helpfully split up into sections on home, religion, education etc. And each is compelling! Very glad I read it and feel much more knowledgable now!
The French slang for being on your period is “Les Anglais ont débarqué” which means “the English have landed”.
As a Brit I have been laughing at that one for a while ???
I found this today which I thought sounded extremely interesting. If you can read the blurb from the picture,do!
It sounds like something I won‘t necessarily agree with every point on but will definitely put forward a strong opinion.
“It is the greatest human rights abuse on the planet...it is no exaggeration to describe it as an ‘apperteid‘...gender injustice is an ancient and continuing wrong that is millennial in duration and global in reach.”