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Even the Dogs
Even the Dogs: A Novel | Jon McGregor
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On a cold, quiet day between Christmas and the New Year, a man's body is found in an abandoned apartment. His friends look on, but they're dead, too. Their bodies found in squats and sheds and alleyways across the city. Victims of a bad batch of heroin, they're in the shadows, a chorus keeping vigil as the hours pass, paying their own particular homage as their friend's body is taken away, examined, investigated, and cremated. All of their stories are laid out piece by broken piece through a series of fractured narratives. We meet Robert, the deceased, the only alcoholic in a sprawling group of junkies; Danny, just back from uncomfortable holidays with family, who discovers the body and futiley searches for his other friends to share the news of Robert's death; Laura, Robert's daughter, who stumbles into the junky's life when she moves in with her father after years apart; Heather, who has her own place for the first time since she was a teenager; Mike, the Falklands War vet; and all the others. Theirs are stories of lives fallen through the cracks, hopes flaring and dying, love overwhelmed by a stronger need, and the havoc wrought by drugs, distress, and the disregard of the wider world. These invisible people live in a parallel reality, out of reach of basic creature comforts, like food and shelter. In their sudden deaths, it becomes clear, they are treated with more respect than they ever were in their short lives. Intense, exhilarating, and shot through with hope and fury, Even the Dogs is an intimate exploration of life at the edges of society--littered with love, loss, despair, and a half-glimpse of redemption.
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Even the Dogs: A Novel | Jon McGregor
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Library #bookhaul

Tamra I‘m quite curious about Hunters in the Snow! 7y
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Even the Dogs: A Novel | Jon McGregor
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#junebookbugs Day8: #dusk
This is one of those books that made me a bit squeamish. It deals with the ugliness and the loneliness and the rawness of addiction. Not an easy read, but worthwhile.

Even the Dogs: A Novel | Jon McGregor
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RealLifeReading Nice photo! 7y
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Even the Dogs: A Novel | Jon McGregor
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A grittier trainspotting that feels decidedly more like a documentary! Even the dogs is such an interestingly written book - McGregor really plays with language to add to the sensation the narrative is made up of dozens of not-quite-finished thoughts. Rather a dark storyline following the death of an alcoholic and the reactions and intertwined lives of those around him. The characters are all perfectly crafted and real.

Even the Dogs: A Novel | Jon McGregor
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Bleak with an extra helping of dismal. Like Melvin Burgess's Junk (or Smack if you read the US version) crossed with Jim Crace's Being Dead. Alcoholism, heroin addiction and rank loneliness. Not a lot of laughs but still bloody good reading.

GuiltyFeat And did I mention the minutely described autopsy? 8y
ThomasHewlett I like your review! Especially the first line. (Did I just review a review?) 8y
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