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National Geographic Little Kids First Big Book of Dinosaurs
National Geographic Little Kids First Big Book of Dinosaurs | Catherine D. Hughes
2 posts | 2 read
This book provides pictures and brief facts about a variety of different kinds of dinosaurs.
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Henry's so excited to have gotten book mail today. He's all about dinos, so he's particularly happy with that one.
🦕 🌎 ☄

Deifio Yes, dinosaurs! My kids were really into them a while back and flipped through all my old dinosaur magazines. We also play a board game called Draftosaurus, which is about filling your zoo with the 6 different dinosaur species in the game. Fun! 3y
JenniferP Love this Nat Geo series! We have all of those and my boys still like them years later. 3y
Traci1 @Deifio I'll have to look up the game. Henry loves dinos and knows way more about them than I do. 3y
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Genre: Non fiction
-Date Started: September 22
-Date Completed: September 22
I was in the non fiction isle of a library and I saw the cover with a dinosaur on it and I am a big fan of dinos. What was his/her problem and how was the problem resolved? This book was well written with perfect organization and imagery. I rate it 9/10 for all ages since I enjoyed it myself. There is no characters but I feel like i'm in my own world when i'm reading it

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