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I Can Do It
I Can Do It: How to Use Affirmations to Change Your Life | Louise L. Hay
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In this concise yet information-packed book - which you can listen to on the enclosed CD or read at your leisure - bestselling author Louise L Hay shows you that 'you can do it' - that is, change and improve virtually every aspect of your life by understanding and using affirmations correctly. Well known for her positive affirmations, Louise explains that every thought you think and every word you speak is an affirmation. Many of your own thoughts are merely habitual and learned from childhood - they may work well for you but you will also have thoughts creating experiences you don't want. Learn how to eliminate these and replace with affirmations to give you the confidence to attain the wonderful, joy-filled life you deserve.
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I am guided. throughout this day in making right choices Divine intelligence continuously guides me in the realization of my goals. and I am safe. I love life every morning when I wake up I get to experience another great day a day I've never lived before it will have its own special experiences.