Nice to come home from a long day at work to a special package!
Nice to come home from a long day at work to a special package!
GERMAIN: And what do you do at night?— EINSTEIN: Ah, at night... at night the stars come out.—the stars in the sky?—The stars in my head.
More fun reading for play selection. One of these is my favorite, all are fun, two have a surprise common factor. Anyone see any of these? (Boeing, Boeing and Four Weddings and an Elvis are the other two). Anyone else involved in #theatre? It's truly a reader's best friend❣️I'm lucky to live in such an artistic community.
Yeah, well, we're all writers, aren't we? He's a writer that hasn't been published, and I'm a writer who hasn't written anything.
Steve Martin's play imagines the fictitious meeting of Pablo Picasso and Albert Einstein at a Parisian bar in 1904. Picasso will soon paint "Les Demoiselles d'Avignon" and Einstein is about to publish his theory of relativity. Even Elvis makes an appearance. It is hilarious and beautiful. One of my favorite things ever.
#artrelatedbooks #seasonsreadings2016
Realizing that Steve Martin shares our book nerd problems 😀