I have been in such a reading slump since I lost my Daddy in October. I hope this brings me out of it
I have been in such a reading slump since I lost my Daddy in October. I hope this brings me out of it
I can‘t stop buying quarantine books.
I thought this was the perfect bookmark for this book. As a Murderino since day one I am so excited to start this. I saw a live show a few weeks ago and I love them even more now. #ssdgm
B&N 50% off sale. I got there as they were opening the door and was in and out in 15 minutes. I trained for this! 😂
I‘m a non fiction kick. These came today, and I also got Parkland and Evicted this week.
Yesterday I only bought books about books. 🙌🏻
I just want to hug this to my chest. Books with pictures of books are the best.
I really loved this book. Once I got into the story I couldn‘t put it down until I found out what was going on. 👏🏻👏🏻
I know that #freakyfriday doesn‘t start for almost a week but what can I say, True Crime is my jam and I just couldn‘t wait to start this pick from @svenezia @monalyisha
Y‘all, this book! So good!
Who is that hiding behind my phone? The two Katness‘ of course, both Catching Fire and Mockingjay.
I'm pretty excited about #freakyfriday, looks like @svenezia and I have a lot in common.
Here's my list:
The Lovely Bones 💗
I See You 👍
We Need to Talk About Kevin 💗
Matilda 👍
Since We Fell 🎆
Fierce Kingdom 👍
Crank 🎆
The Book Thief 🎆
Blankets 👍
Water for Elephants 💗
After the Eclipse 🎆
💗=Read and Loved
👍=Completely New to Me
@monalyisha @Clwojick
I plan to start with the tagged book and work from there.
I just want to read all the books at once!
Look what came from Amazon today!
It‘s nonstop rain here in Kentucky and the flooding has begun. This is one end of my road, I live on a loop, and by morning I‘m sure we will be flooded in. I live on top of a hill so no worries, I‘ll just be over here reading.
I just finished my reread and it brought back so many childhood memories. I love this book and I hope the movie does it justice.
Now I‘m back at work and trying to decide on my lunchtime read. Thanks @Josie for the recommend!
Amazon is giving out what I like to call law suit rewards. Go check your account people.
Up next.
1. A Wrinkle in Time.
2. Blue, pink, and brown.
⭐️Binge watch Survivor
⭐️Magnetic, my Stranger Things Dustin is my favorite.
⭐️Do we count Kindle books? Maybe 500 paper books and 300 ebook.
⭐️I wrote my Senior paper, in high school, on Charles Manson.
I started this today and o have been completely sucked into the story.
Okay, I'll admit it, I'm that girl. You know the one, every time she reads a mystery she says, "I figured that out halfway through." ? Not this time. I actually let out a yelp when I turned the page on the last chapter. Read it, you know you want to. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Today is my 36th Wedding Anniversary so Robbie took me to Barnes & Noble and told me to get whatever I wanted.
I'm in Dubuque, Iowa visiting my nieces and went to the River Lights bookstore. It was fantastic!
I thought I needed a quick read to get me back on track.
I have been reading this book forever. Life sort of got in the way of my reading time. I think that might be the reason I didn't love it. The descriptions of Montana and the woods were beautifully written but I just kept falling out of the story. This is one I might read again in a few years to give it another chance.
I just started this and I'm not sure what's going on but I'm interested in finding out. #lunchtimereading
I was in the worst reading slump of my life during the month of July and this book brought me out of it, finally. Joshilyn Jackson never disappoints but this is my new favorite from her. I couldn't put it down.
I just love this book so much. ❤️
20 Things About Me
💥I was 17 when I met my husband. We will be married 36 years in September.
💥I have two children age 35 and 33.
💥I hate tomatoes, but only fresh tomatoes. I love anything flavored with tomatoes.
💥Stephen King is my favorite author.
💥Helter Skelter is my favorite book.
💥I love Kevin Smith and refer to him as my real husband.
💥Chasing Amy is my favorite movie.
This could not be more true. 😂😂😂
Litsy is my happy place! I have met so many wonderful, generous people. Huge shoutout to Avanders, who sent me some goodies just because I admired them. They have found a home with my King and Hill books. Thank you so much!
I met Andrea on another book related message board started by Jill Conner Brown. When we both found out that Helter Skelter was our favorite book she sent me her much loved and well read copy. Of the many, many books I own this is my favorite. #debsstack
I absolutely love this book so I downloaded the audio last night for a reread. Excellent decision. 😂😂😂
Besides being my favorite book of all time this book immediately takes me to Summer in Los Angeles, August 1969. It begins with the line, "It was so quiet, one of the killers would later say, you could almost hear the sound of ice rattling in cocktail shakers in the homes way down the canyon.", and then proceeds to take you on and unbelievable journey into the madness of Charles Manson. #SWEETSUMMERSTACK
⭐️Favorite Hobby: Adult Coloring
⭐️Favorite Drink: Coffee, all the coffee
⭐️Favorite Food: Pizza
⭐️Favorite Colour: RED, Go CARDS!
⭐️Favorite City: Louisville
⭐️Dream House Location: On a beach.
⭐️Favorite Accessory: My Mom's Mother's Ring.
⭐️Favorite TV Show: Six Feet Under
⭐️Last Micie I Watched in Theaters: Wonder Woman
⭐️Currently Reading: The Girl With All the Gifts and Fourth of July Creek #asidefrombooks
I ❤️ Amazon!
My granddaughter is here and it's the perfect day to start this book! Happy 4th everyone!
I just got back from B&N, I love buy two get one free paperbacks!
I am so excited about this book! My last book purchase of June.