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Eleven: A Novel | Mark Watson
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Xavier Ireland is the assumed name of a radio-show host with a devoted following of listeners riveted by the sleepless loners who call in throughout the night to seek his advice. Off the air, he leads a low-key life of avoiding his neighbors, playing Scrabble, and maintaining an awkward friendship with his cohost, Murray. But his life begins to change when he meets a cleaning lady named Pippa, who becomes a constant, surprisingly necessary presence in his life as he starts facing up to his past and discovering solace and redemption in the most unexpected places. British comedian Mark Watsons North American debut humorously and poignantly explores life and death, strangers and friends, heartache and comfort, and whether the choices we dont make affect us just as powerfully as the ones we do.
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Eleven: A Novel | Mark Watson
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I like this idea, almost the butterfly effect.
And I liked how it gradually spread out, rather than all being presented in one take.
Wasn't hugely impressed with the writing but overall glad I read it.

Eleven: A Novel | Mark Watson
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Borrowed from a friend...
Iliked One Day, but not sure this will be as absorbing.
Will report back!

Eleven: A Novel | Mark Watson
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#Novemberbythenumbers #eleven #11. I‘m using my new Eleven sticker that I got from a friend on Instagram!

Redy2trvl Love it! We just finished last night. So fun!!!! #ElevenisaBadAss 7y
JoeStalksBeck @Redy2trvl that show is awesome. I wish they‘d shave her head again though . She looked awesome like that 7y
Purrfectpages I️ went in the same direction! Lol 7y
See All 7 Comments
Billypar Like @Redy2trvl also just finished it last night. So good! Enjoyed this season as much as the first. 7y
Billypar And if there's a bookish lesson to be learned from Stranger Things, it's that TV and film producers should focus on making outstanding original content and stop ruining perfectly good books 😁 7y
Bibliogeekery Amazing! 7y
JoeStalksBeck @Billypar I agree 100% 7y
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Noch haut es mich nicht aus den Socken. Ob ich bis Seite 100 komme?

Brecht ihr Bücher auch ab, wenn ihr nicht so richtig Spaß am Lesen findet?

Sarah83 Unterschiedlich. Wenn ich unbedingt wissen will, wie es ausgeht, quäle ich mich durch. Ansonsten leg es doch mal zur Seite und versuche es ein anderes Mal. 7y
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Eleven: A Novel | Mark Watson
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Here is a happy stack of #numbertitles #riotgrams