There is so much to this story. I‘m halfway through, and am ticked off that I have to stop and make dinner. Who needs food???
There is so much to this story. I‘m halfway through, and am ticked off that I have to stop and make dinner. Who needs food???
I was skeptical of this book because of the reviews. I‘m thrilled I gave it a chance because I am flying through it. Fast paced and fun!
Such a precious book. My only regret is that I didn‘t read it while sitting on the beach. So many laugh out loud moments. This a perfect book for chic-lit readers, “I need a fun book” vacation reader or a total palette cleanser read. I totally anticipate reading more from Christina Lauren.
I‘m jumping on the bandwagon today. I think this is the perfect book to start Spring!
I‘ve finally decided to jump on the bandwagon. I‘m very excited!
I read the first installment of The Invisible Library a couple of weeks ago and loved it! The second book in the series I‘m having a little trouble getting into. In the first, I enjoyed all of the squabbling characters all together. In this storyline they are separated, and I not feeling the same connection to the characters. Hopefully the gang gets back together soon.
This was a super fast read this weekend. I was expecting a Jenny Colgan style cozy (and it is), but this had more grit and sass to it. I give it a very solid 3.5 ⭐️
I devoured this novel in 48 hours. The Stationery Store is a beautiful story about love, heartbreak and loss. As I read, I knew I was heading for a broken heart, but I just didn‘t care. Just beautiful.
It has been a long time since I‘ve read a book that I‘m not sure I liked. The first 200 pages were fantastic. The last 80 I couldn‘t get behind. Can I be in between a pick and so-so? 🤷🏻♀️
After finishing a few mysteries in a row, I feel like this will be a nice palate cleanser. The cover art is breathtaking.
Today‘s dismal weather is perfect for a fresh book and warm cuddles. Happy Sunday littens! #catsoflitsy
I barreled through this like a freight train! I have high hopes for the conclusion of this series.
January is becoming “catch up on your series” month. Next up may have to be Finale from the Caraval series.
Hello Littens! I‘m on medical leave for a few months, and thought this would be the perfect time to come back to Litsy! So here goes…
I‘m starting 2022 with an old friend, Veronica Speedwell. I‘m only halfway through but this is by far my favorite story in the series. I hope to review for you in a day or two. Enjoy your day!
I am having a lovely weekend with the Duchess. I can‘t believe we‘ve just met! Where have I been?
We just returned from a quick weekend getaway in Charlottesville, VA... aka home away from home. I started the tagged book on the drive up, and can‘t get enough of it. What a cozy little book so far. Hope to have time to finish in the next couple of days.
For the record, the view is at Ragged Branch Distillery. Great Bourbon and a beautiful view!
This book has been a fabulous companion on a rainy Sunday!!! 100 pages to go.
It is so easy to fall into this world. It will be tough to do anything other than read today. Happy Labor Day!!
It is a cool, rainy morning here in VA, and I have a random Monday off. I think it‘s a perfect time to start a new adventure, and not leave my pjs for a little while. #happymonday
It is so peaceful this morning. There are few things I enjoy more than having my morning coffee while reading on the patio. Hoping to catch a visit from the hummingbirds while I finish the tagged book. 40 pages left and I‘m still not sure how this will end.
Giving this a whirl before work today. I know the reviews are suspect, but so far I am engaged. Not a bad way to start my long Tuesday.
What took me so long? I finished this delightful treat last night. What a lovely story that is told entirely through a series of letters between a full cast of characters. I was leery of this format prior to reading the book which is what kept me from starting the book sooner. If you have the same apprehension, let it go. The story flows beautifully! All in all, I feel like I‘ve met a new friend... a friend that I will visit again.
I think this will be the next #TBR stack I tackle. I need a ⛄️ day!!!!!
@Smarkies Thank you so much for this wonderful Valentine‘s Day package! I couldn‘t be more pleased and grateful! Your book selection is so spot on, and I cannot wait to start both!!!! I keep saying (out loud) I need more Rainbow Rowell in my life. 💜🌈 I think my favorite item is the handmade resin bookmark. It is so fun, and I love it. Thank you so much! I hope your Valentine‘s Day starts as lovely as mine has! #cupidgoespostal
Out a couple of days later than I hoped, but it will arrive in the Midwest on Thursday!!! #cupidgoespostal
My boss strikes again. He is killing my weekend reading buzz!!!!
Look what I just picked up at the post office!!!! Thank you @Smarkies I am so excited for Valentine‘s Day!!! #cupidgoespostal
Chores are finished, dinner dishes are washed & I‘m ready to relax. After spending last week reading a work required management book 🤮, I am back to Flavia & her adventure. I am truly enjoying Alan Bradley‘s writing style. I see myself owning the entire series.
Anyone notice George in the background? Yes, he has decided my new lap desk is now his new pillow. 🤦🏻♀️ #catsoflitsy #crazycatgeorge
Loving Flavia!!!! She is the perfect companion on this rainy day! My sinus infection is in full swing, so I thought a little cinnamon toast would be great medicine while Flavia and I continue our adventure.
Just told my husband not to judge me as I‘m headed to bed. Excited to start my first #Flavia story. I think I can stay awake for a few more hours for this. 😉
Time to tap out, and I‘m so disappointed! I had such high hopes for this book and the series, but i am so bored. While witty at times, I felt the story was jumpy and slow. Is it terrible that I kept thinking “this would be an amazing book if Neil Gaiman had written it?”😂
A little 2019 virtual cleaning! I‘m cleaning up my shelves on Litsy and Goodreads to only reflect #TBRs that I don‘t own. Actually, on Goodreads, I also have a shelf for TBRs that I do own (forgot about that one 😂).
If you are participating in a swap like #cupidgoespostal help your match out by doing the same.
This is exactly how I plan to spend the first day of 2019! Happy New Year Littens!!!
While I didn‘t hit my reading challenge goal, I did read some great books in 2018. Here are my #topfive.
Who cares if your #TBR stack is as tall as you are... when you have Barnes & Noble gift cards burning a hole in your pocket, you have to add to that pile! #canthelpmyself
I haven‘t done a swap in forever! Can‘t wait!!! Thank you @BookishMarginalia #cupidgoespostal #valentinesbookexchange
Anyone else so excited for this movie??? 🍿 🎥
Happy Saturday!!! After what has felt like the longest hiatus, I am back!!!! I‘ve been in my new new job for almost 60 days, and finally feel like my routine is getting back to normal. With that said, the next 60 days are so exciting. Thanksgiving (my favorite), a European wine river cruise with @Vbrrgirl and Christmas! There will loads to share and of course I have a reading plan in place for the rest of 2018. What a way to end the year!
George is pretty pleased with my morning read! #crazycatgeorge #catsoflitsy
August and September have been a blur of activity, and my reading habit (and posting habit) has been the victim. This is it! This stack, minus 2 DNFs, is all I‘ve read for the last 2 months. A bit disappointed that I‘m behind in my reading challenge because of it, but what can you do. If not meeting my reading challenge number is the worst thing that happens this year, so be it! #stillwinning
5🌟 A wonderful sequel to Three Dark Crowns. I won‘t give you any real details, as I don‘t want to spoil the story for future readers.
The story picks up exactly where the first book leaves off. A very fast paced story with a few surprises along the way. Where the book ends, made me angry that I don‘t have book 3 in my hands yet. I could have easily kept going! Ready to continue this journey with 1 or 2... or maybe even 3 of the queens. 😉
When you are in a bar on a beautiful Saturday because your husband has a work event. The crowd is random and not very interesting. Totally wish I brought a book!
Not bad for a Wednesday night. Glass of rosé, settling into the middle of a great book and a baseball game on in the background. My husband should go out after work more often. ?
PSA: I am here to preach, to give you permission & to say it is ok! After a week of reading & only getting through 108 pages, I DNF‘d the book on the right. The book on the left, I started before bed last night & have already surpassed 108 pages. Here is the problem. I felt guilty for not enjoying & not finishing a book when I should have followed my gut & moved on. I can always go back & try again. Moral of my story? It is ok to #DNF 😂🤷🏻♀️
Officially DNF‘d Duels and Deception this afternoon. Very excited to start this journey tonight!!!
Having a difficult time staying interested. I may need to #DNF and move on if I‘m not finished by tomorrow night. Too many other books to get to.