This book had good points on how to be a better leader and how to make a not so good leader better.
This book had good points on how to be a better leader and how to make a not so good leader better.
I don‘t usually share books that I‘m reading for work on here, but this is easily my favorite! It‘s my second time through and I‘m reading it with my leadership team at work. If you‘re in any type of leadership role at work, pick this book up! It‘s a lot to digest but so, so good! I also wouldn‘t recommend this as a first leadership book, but you do you boo 😘
It started getting a little repetitive; but I'll probably borrow or buy a print edition (this time, I borrowed audio) in the future to review some of the concepts and do the exercises. It's about how to be a multiplier, not a diminisher, at work...leading to inspire people to do their best, most productive work.