This might be my favourite Diamond book. I think the closer look at other species is what did that for me. I listened to the audio
This might be my favourite Diamond book. I think the closer look at other species is what did that for me. I listened to the audio
Reading on my lunch break 🥪📚👩🏻⚕️ This book might not be everyone‘s cup of tea, but I find the subject matter interesting and, being something I have little experience in, is actually written VERY well for the lay-person. I recommend this book for anyone who wants to learn about where we came from (hint: chimpanzees 🐒) and where we might be going.
I found the first part rather heavy going, partly because I suspect at least some of it has been outdated by discoveries since the book was written in 1990. The author has explored many of the themes of the rest of the book in greater detail in his other works. Given his knife-edge between optimism and pessimism about our species's future in the epilogue, there seem to be depressingly more grounds for pessimism in the 30 years since then.
Why did I chose to re-listen to my audiobook of this? Should be required reading, though.
Truth is scarier than fiction and the section of "Third Chimpanzee" about genocide is so depressing.