This book is why some people think I'm an arsehole. See, I used to own this book in the early 1980s and, being young and naïve, when a guy I used to work with (Russ Melling) asked to borrow it from me, I let him. I never saw it again and bitterly regretted having let it out of my clutches. Lesson learned.
Bookwomble Fast-forward to now, and I've just been telling you about how brilliant such-and-such a book is and that you should definitely read it. You ask me if you can borrow it and I think about Russ Melling and Strange Ecstacies, and I also think that I don't really know you that well and I don't know that you can be trusted to return it, undog-eared and unspine-cracked, so I'm going to have to say "No," and you're going to think I'm an arsehole. 7y
Leftcoastzen I‘m an arsehole too!Though I have 2 friends I will loan to , they always return and are gentle on books as well. 7y
Bookwomble @Leftcoastzen 😅 Sometimes you just have to accept your foibles! It's good to have s couple of people you can book-trust. I do have a couple, too 😊 7y