I‘ve always wanted to be a member of the FAMOUS FIVE Club, but I‘m guessing it‘s no longer a thing 😢 I‘d definitely join now that I‘m a grown-up with my own money! 😂
I‘ve always wanted to be a member of the FAMOUS FIVE Club, but I‘m guessing it‘s no longer a thing 😢 I‘d definitely join now that I‘m a grown-up with my own money! 😂
The Famous Five was one of my favourite series when I was a kid. My mum didn't have much money to buy me books so I only owned four from this series but I read each and one of them at least twenty times. Reading the book today brings so many good memories and feelings and Famous Five is an equivalent of summer to me. I recommend this to everyone who wants to go back to feeling like a child again, when secrets and treasure hunts are real.