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Native Tongues
Native Tongues | Charles Berlitz
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This book is a unique storehouse of surprising, thought provoking, fascinating and useful facts about human speech and the written word.
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Native Tongues | Charles Berlitz
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March #BookSpin done! Overall, I enjoyed this. It is a collection of trivia about languages, grouped by topic - alphabets, slang, etc. By the last few chapters I started to find that format wearing. There is no narrative through-line. Also, pub'd in 1982, parts are dated (e.g. parts about the USSR) but that makes it kind of interesting in a different way.

TheAromaofBooks What a fun book! Although it sounds like one that may be more interesting to dip in and out of rather than read straight through? 5y
llwheeler @TheAromaofBooks I read a chapter or two a day, which was a pretty good pace for me for this type of book. I couldn't have read much more in one go, and if I was just dipping in and out, I don't think I'd ever have finished it. 5y
TheAromaofBooks I frequently set “schedules“ for my nonfiction reading, especially ones like this where there isn't really any kind of narrative. Otherwise they tend to languish on the “currently reading“ shelf forever! 5y
llwheeler @TheAromaofBooks that's a great idea 🙂 5y
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Native Tongues | Charles Berlitz
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Shades of #Genji, anyone?

Lindy Shades of Genji. Definitely. 🌸😕 5y
batsy Oh, yes 👀 5y
llwheeler @Lindy @batsy I can just imagine it being sent off to someone with a spray of flowers attached... 5y
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Native Tongues | Charles Berlitz
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#BookSpin for March! This one's been on my shelf for ages. I'm looking forward to learning some stuff about languages this month 🙂

My #doublespin this month is Ready Player One, which I'll read if I have time but not sure if I will. Lots of other reading commitments this month.

#catsoflitsy #photobomb

wanderinglynn That looks like an interesting book. 5y
Geenie Cool 😎 5y
TheAromaofBooks Oooo this one sounds fun! I enjoyed Ready Player One as well (which I read and then found out it was getting ready to be a movie... this happens to me not infrequently haha) as a fun romp of a read rather than a serious novel. 5y
llwheeler @TheAromaofBooks Ready Player One does sound like a fun, quicker read, so I'm hoping I will have time for it towards the end of the month. Glad you enjoyed it! 5y
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Native Tongues | Charles Berlitz
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I love languages, can't resist today's #HelloThursday 😊

1. English
2. Speak, only 2 - English and French. I can read Latin and Ancient Greek, and I'm currently learning Korean
3. Lots! In French, Latin, Greek, Korean, and one Spanish (a bilingual Neruda) which I can't really read though I pretend I can muddle through.

wanderinglynn Sounds like you have an awesome library! Thanks for playing! 😀 6y
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