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Dog Days of August | G F Gorman
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Okay, didn't I JUST have a post about how I couldn't believe that June was over?? And now it's almost August?! ACK

Unbelievable but true, we only have a week left of July!! So if you're planning to Spin in August, it's time to start thinking about your lists. Hopefully everyone is well and not TOO stressed about the fact that we're officially into the SECOND HALF of 2024!!😮

As always, looking forward to seeing what everyone is hoping to read!!

See All 29 Comments
TheSpineView August!🤯 14h
DGRachel I actually already have my list ready to go! 😂😂 14h
bookandbedandtea My list is ready even though I don't know where this year is going 😊 14h
Jari-chan I came on Litsy just to relax, saw all the Bookspin posts and thought: WTF?! 😱 14h
TheAromaofBooks @Jari-Chan - Right?? I'm feeling so attacked right now 😂 (by TIME lol) 14h
julieclair I need to start Christmas shopping… 😆🎄😳 14h
vonnie862 Buy, but, but, I'm not ready! 14h
Librarybelle I plant to work on mine this weekend! 13h
claudiuo I know every month I say that it is not possible it's almost over, but this time I'm even more surprised. I had plans for July and instead all of it was work! Argh... Still trying to finish a book to get a bingo... Thanks for doing this, hope I'll get my list together soon! 13h
lil1inblue I'm not ready! 😂 Hopefully I can get my list AND some reading caught up this weekend! 12h
Eggs 🩷🩷🩷🩷 11h
willaful Shut your mouth! 🙀🤯 10h
CSeydel 😫 10h
kelli7990 I didn‘t do that well this month. Hurricane Beryl hit us here in SE TX on Monday, July 8 which was the day before my birthday, Tuesday, July 9. It put me in a funk and my reading slowed down because I didn‘t have power for 5 days and then I didn‘t have internet for 2 weeks but thankfully, my internet finally got fixed. I started another book last night that‘s not on my list because I‘m not in the mood to read anything else on my list. 9h
BookishMadHatter My July has slowed down since being on vacation with the family, but I have a tentative list that I'm weeding down when I steal a few minutes here and there 8h
Lcsmcat I have a tentative list, but I‘m waiting a day in case I change my mind. 😀 5h
74 likes29 comments
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This book was honestly just peculiar. I enjoyed it - mostly - but some parts of it just left me scratching my head a bit. I really enjoyed the parts on the island and reading about him creating a life there. But then it felt like the ending went a bit off the rails, and then it was almost like he was like, “you know what, never mind, I'll just write a second volume“ and that's the end! 😂 Still, as a book widely acclaimed as “the first novel“ ⬇

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) it's pretty good. But I'm not sure I'll be reading volume two haha

What did you all think? I couldn't believe he just left the Spaniards behind after all that?! And what was with the mountain crossing and the wolves?!? How does Friday know how to kill a bear?! The whole last like two or three chapters I was just going !?!?!? the whole time 😂
Cuilin I completely agree. It‘s like it came off the rails right at the end. Wolves, bears and snow, oh my! I know this is colonial propaganda, and Defoe was a special agent for the British government, but the first 2/3 were an enjoyable read. (edited) 5d
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Read4life I agree with what you and @Cuilin have said. Enjoyable despite the 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 ending. 5d
Lcsmcat Yes! The bear and wolves were a bit over the top. And no @TheAromaofBooks , I won‘t be reading volume 2 either. 5d
nanuska_153 I agree it was a wild ride, I think I enjoyed Moll Flanders more. Definitely won't be reading the second one cause many parts left me like WTF, and there were parts that really dragged. Overall I am happy I read it, but I don't think I'll ever read it again 5d
CogsOfEncouragement I'm glad I read this classic, and now know the origin of “My man Friday“ but I will not tell my friends they need to read it. lol 5d
58 likes7 comments
Greenery Street | Denis George Mackail
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I picked up this charming book because somewhere along the line I read that P.G. Wodehouse loved it. This is a gentle story about a newly married couple and their first year of marriage. If, like myself, you are worried that things won't go well for them - fear not! They're absolutely adorable together and continue to be so all the way through. While Mackail pokes a little fun at their naivety, on the whole, all the adjectives I came up for this⬇

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) are pretty much synonyms for “gentle“ - soothing, quiet, mild, mellow, soft, peaceful, etc. I didn't absolutely LOVE this book - it was somehow missing some piece of magic for me - but I did enjoy it and it's an excellent little slice-of-life story.

Plus, it checks off 1925 for #1902025 !! @Librarybelle

Librarybelle Stacking! 5d
TheAromaofBooks @Librarybelle - I think you'll enjoy it. There are obviously some old-fashioned views re: gender roles and classism, but on the whole it's pretty cute. 5d
Librarybelle 😁 5d
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I'm always down for a reread of one of my heart-books, so I was happy when this came up as a #HashtagBrigade read. I know its old-fashioned sensibilities aren't for everyone, but I think many of Alcott's lessons on love, patience, kindness, and selflessness are timeless. This one has been hugely influential for me throughout my life, so while I understand some of the criticisms of it... I don't accept them 😂

I'm not sure how old this particular⬇

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) edition is, but Mary Steele wrote her address in it in 1933!! 1w
Cuilin Sorry, 😬 scroll right past my review. Lol 1w
TheAromaofBooks @Cuilin - haha no worries, I know everyone comes to every book from their own perspective. I generally just let reviews I don't like roll on by 😂 Reading a book is a very subjective experience, and I've definitely hated on books that other people love!! 1w
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Cuilin @TheAromaofBooks thanks. I feel the same way about Jane Austen as you do about this book. I have a hard time with people saying they read Pride and Prejudice and hated it. I‘m like what are you talking about? What I do appreciate is Litsy being a safe space for all opinions. 🩷 1w
Clare-Dragonfly I agree with you so much! 😍 Heart book is a great way to describe my relationship with it. I have criticisms of it, certainly, but it also taught me a lot of good lessons, and I disagree with many of others‘ complaints. (Like apparently a lot of people hate Bhaer??? I think they‘re reading him differently than I do.) 1w
Clare-Dragonfly I wonder if your Mary Steele read the book because of the Katharine Hepburn film? That‘s the year it came out! I just watched it and it was absolutely gorgeous. And I don‘t just mean the costumes 😂 Hepburn is a pitch-perfect Jo. 1w
AvidReader25 I love this book so much. One of my favorites to reread! 1w
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Scrawled on the front page of this book is the statement that “This is the first Nancy Drew book I ever read“ probably written circa 1991 😂 I can see why this one got me hooked - there's loads of action and the treasure-hunting aspect was great fun. As an adult reread I was a little confused by the attitudes and actions of some of the characters, but overall I just let it ride with these LOL

Thanks as always for hosting @Librarybelle !!

Librarybelle It had lots of adventure this time!! 1w
bookandbedandtea It's so cool that you made a note of your very first ND. I wish I'd done that, or left any notes to myself, really. And I'm with you in just enjoying and going along for the ride. 1w
61 likes2 comments
The Black Fawn | Jim Kjelgaard
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This isn't my favorite of Kjelgaard's book, but it's still an enjoyable read. 12-year-old Bud is “farmed out“ from the orphanage to an older couple on a farm. But it turns out that they're just lonely now that all their kids have moved on and while they do need help around the farm, they're mostly just wanting to help a kid who needs it. Bud is wary at first, but gradually comes to love the couple and their home. His first week there, he comes ⬇

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) across a newborn fawn and believes that his life/fate/luck is connected to the life/fate/luck of the young buck. The story covers several years, and Bud always seems to see the black buck at important moments in his life. This is Kjelgaard, so there's also a lot about the importance of responsible hunting and land/game management, since that's kind of his soapbox, but it's presented well as always. I really loved the older couple in ⬇ 1w
TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) this one. They are so kind and sincere in their desire to do good where they can. This is a bit more introspective than some of Kjelgaard's other books, and was published only about a year before he tragically committed suicide. It's not a sad book, but there is a bit of bittersweetness to the story.

#Roll100 @PuddleJumper
#GottaCatchEmAll - Set in the Countryside @PuddleJumper
PuddleJumper 🎉🎉 1w
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Lion in the Valley | Elizabeth Peters
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Like Emerson, I was a bit tired of hearing about the MASTER CRIMINAL but honestly these books are just such good fun that even the MC drama stayed pretty entertaining, even if the ending feels rather ridiculous. Ramses is still spoiled, but incrementally less obnoxious in this one. Overall I'm enjoying my reread of this series, but looking forward to the later books where Ramses is older and more a part of the team.

Ruthiella Agree that there are some bits that wear less well earlier in the series. But I think the underlying solidity of the Emersons as a family unit carries the reader through that (she writes 11 books in 😂!). 1w
TheAromaofBooks @Ruthiella - Definitely so - one of the things I love most is the close familiar bond between them all. I read the whole series about ten years ago, so it's been fun to revisit them all, knowing that they get better as they go 😂 1w
See All 6 Comments
TheSpineView Fantastic! 1w
bookandbedandtea I also agree that I love the bond the Emersons have and that the series gets better once Ramses is old enough to have his own storylines. 1w
CarolynM Manuscript H is always entertaining😆 7d
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Lord Tony's Wife | Baroness Orczy
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This installment of the Scarlet Pimpernel series is more of the same haha I really enjoy these books and it has been fun reading them in chronological order. This is one I hadn't read in the past. One of the band marries a French immigrant, but her father kidnaps her, claiming that the marriage isn't real because it happened in England (??) and he wants her to marry a rich counter-revolutionist who is willing to donate a pile of money to the ⬇

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) cause. Except it turns out that that guy is actually in disguise playing the long game so he can exact his revenge on the French nobleman and his daughter. Pimpernel to the rescue!! I wanted more Pimpernel, but overall this was still a fun read.

#SeriesLove2024 @TheSpineView @Andrew65
TheSpineView Great job! 1w
51 likes2 comments
Fahrenheit 451 | Ray Bradbury
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August's #RandomClassic is Fahrenheit 451. I've never read this one and honestly know very little about it, so I am going in almost completely blind. The book is divided into three parts, so rather than following a chapter a day, we'll be reading one part per week. Since the 1st is on a Thursday, I'll try to post discussion posts on August 8, 15, and 22.

As usual, I'm tagging my master list for this group. Please let me know if you'd ⬇

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) like to be tagged specifically for August.

Side note: if you have any books you'd like to have added to my list, let me know!! I basically have a spreadsheet that has a bunch of titles on it and use a random number generator to determine which one is coming next haha As you can tell, these aren't all “classics“ per se, it's more “random books I always see on those lists of books that everyone should read that actually look interesting“😂
TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) However, that's kind of long for a hashtag, so I simplified. Anyway, I still have 38 books listed, but I'm always happy to add others into the mix, so let me know if you have one you'd like to tackle - no promises, but it can have its chance to be drawn!!! 2w
See All 19 Comments
Librarybelle I‘ve not read Fahrenheit 451 either, so this will be interesting! I have my copy on the way!! 2w
BarkingMadRead I read this at the beginning of Covid, so I probably won‘t read it again, but I‘ll join in on the discussion 2w
BarkingMadRead Also, I read Christy when the series with Kellie Martin first came out. It had a cliffhanger ending and I wanted it as if the book was the same way 🤣 I can‘t wait to read it again, it‘s been close to 30 years! 2w
TheAromaofBooks @BarkingMadRead - I loved Christy when I read it back in high school, so I'm interested to see if I still enjoy it a few decades later 😂 2w
ChelseaM6010 I‘ve not read this one. Count me in! 🙂 2w
TheBookHippie I‘ll be back in October 😂😬 I read this one yearly with students 😅 and no more Steinbeck for me. 😝🙃 2w
Read4life I won‘t be joining in August but please tag me again in September. 1w
Daisey I hope to join in August. I've read this one, but I think it deserves a more focused reread. 1w
BarbaraJean I love this one! It's not like I need another buddy read, but Fahrenheit 451 is short, so why not? Please tag me! (Also I'm definitely in for reading Christy in November. Like you, I read it in high school and am so interested to see what I think now!) 1w
nanuska_153 I loved this one although I haven't read it that long ago. I'm not 100% sure that I'll join the read, but I'll join the discussion, so please tag me! 1w
Clare-Dragonfly I‘ll join in! No idea if my copy from school is in a box somewhere, but that‘s what the library is for. 1w
julieclair I‘m looking forward to re-reading this one. It‘s been years! 1w
wordslinger42 I‘d love to be added to the list! I don‘t know that I‘ll join in every month, but definitely want to read The Three Musketeers! 1d
TheAromaofBooks @wordslinger42 - I added you to the master list so you'll get tagged each month and can decide if you want to join!! Did you want to read Fahrenheit 451 in August? 15h
wordslinger42 @TheAromaofBooks Yay! I think I‘ll sit August out! 14h
51 likes19 comments
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(thru ch 14) Well, ol' Robby has really been through it! Over 20 years!!!! I had no idea this book covered so much time. I'm still enjoying this one although he does get quite long-winded sometimes with his philosophizing, and the writing can be repetitive as he tells you what's going to happen and then tells what happened lol Obviously his desire to “get a servant“ instead of “get a companion“ is troublesome. But I thought his conclusions about ⬇

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) whether or not he had the “right“ to judge the cannibals and kill them were quite interesting. I couldn't believe that he had been on the island for years and years and still hadn't gone all the way around it?? That feels like it would be high on my priority list haha It also seems a bit unlikely that another ship would wreck in the same spot and STILL no survivors!

Any thoughts? Are you enjoying this one or no?
Cuilin I am absolutely enjoying it. I was also surprised at how long he was on the island. His introspection regarding anxiety after discovering the footprint, I thought was really interesting. “What ridiculous resolutions men take, when possessed with fear! “ When he said to Man Friday you can call me master though 🤨 2w
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CogsOfEncouragement I am enjoying it. I have been surprised by how much he talks about his relationship with God. Though that would be natural in the circumstances, I just wasn‘t expecting it. When he said “all our discontents about what we want, appeared to me to spring from the want of thankfulness for what we have” got me thinking about all sorts of things, and it is a good lesson for children to grasp. 2w
Lcsmcat @CogsOfEncouragement A good lesson for all of us to grasp, I think. 2w
Lcsmcat @Cuilin I had no idea he was there so long either. I was expecting maybe 5 years. 2w
TheAromaofBooks @Cuilin @CogsOfEncouragement @Lcsmcat - Both great quotes from the book - his struggles with fear, faith, and gratitude are very interesting to me and much of what he says can be applied to not-deserted-island life 😂 Defoe was a Puritan and very involved in both church and politics during his lifetime, so it's not surprising that he gets a little on the preachy side from time to time, but I feel like overall it fits within the story. I suppose ⬇ 2w
TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) being stranded for a couple decades with just yourself means you'd have plenty of time for introspective contemplation 😂 2w
Lcsmcat @TheAromaofBooks Yet as 2020 showed us, it doesn‘t always make one a better person. 😂 So, given his era, I suppose we ought to grant him a little grace on the racism. 2w
TheAromaofBooks @Lcsmcat - There is such a thing as too much contemplation time😂 I do think Defoe's reflections are interesting. He obviously believes Europeans to be superior to the “savages“ & only thinks of Friday as a potential servant, not as a friend - despite going on about his intelligence, kindness, & overall good qualities. But he's also very critical of the Spaniards & their treatment of native people. Definitely have to keep 1719 values in mind! 2w
Cuilin @TheAromaofBooks @Lcsmcat @CogsOfEncouragement I realized that if he got to the island at the age of 20 and was there for 20 years, though he would technically be 40 would he be thinking like a 20-year-old? Development would be stunted in someways without society influencing it, perhaps? I‘m wondering about why I like him, yet there are many reasons not to. 🤷‍♀️ 2w
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I was quite glad to be able to get a copy of this book from the library, but I literally think I am going to order my own copy after all because some JERK has random underlined not passages, not phrases, not even WORDS but literally random letters!?!? I think they were trying to mark works “subtly“ since, you know, it's a LIBRARY BOOK but it is SO distracting. Every page is like this, with at least 2, sometimes up to 10, words marked. 😑 ⬇

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) I'm starting to find myself looking to see if the underlined letters spell words or something? A cry for help?? The page before this one marked the “ic“ and “ea“ of “pick beans“ and then all four “u“s the four times the word church appeared. Just. Why. Flipping ahead, the whole book is this way. Why are the words “Amanda“, “post office“, and “lawyer“ so important on page 267!? I can't live this way! 😂
Ruthiella Maybe they were using it for creating a cipher! 😂 Still, so annoying! 3w
BarbaraJean Ugh, that‘s annoying!! And it looks like it‘s in pen?! 😠 I bought a secondhand copy of Vol. 2 and it has highlighting throughout, which I HATE. But at least it‘s phrases and sentences that make sense as significant!! @Ruthiella It does look like they‘re marking some sort of code—but failing at being inconspicuous! (edited) 2w
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Clare-Dragonfly How obnoxious! Are all the underlines in the middles of words? Maybe they were trying to make the underlines inconspicuous since it‘s a library book? Instead of, you know, just not marking in it… 2w
Aimeesue That is very, very weird. 🤔 2w
TheAromaofBooks @Ruthiella @BarbaraJean @Clare-Dragonfly @Aimeesue - I definitely think that they were trying to be “subtle“ with their underlining since it's a LIBRARY BOOK, but I'm also just genuinely perplexed by the randomness of the words they chosen to mark. For instance, EVERY time the word “blue“ appears it gets a mark!??! The word “church“ also gets noted EVERY time. But others are very haphazard. It's just the weirdest thing. 2w
rabbitprincess @Ruthiella Haha that was my thought too 😂 2w
TheAromaofBooks @Ruthiella @rabbitprincess - I did try to put together some of the letters but didn't come up with anything. Why every u in church?? Why every l in blue?? I would NOT make a good detective! 😂 2w
48 likes8 comments
Robinson Crusoe | Daniel Defoe
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(thru ch7) I'm actually really enjoying this one, even if our narrator is somewhat repetitive. I had no idea so many adventures happened to him before he even got shipwrecked!! It kind of fascinated me that he was a slave for a couple of years himself, but seemed to think nothing of heading to Africa to get some slaves of his own. Crazy.

So many random things that he just says casually and then moves on. “I had two elder brothers, one of which ⬇

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) was Lieutenant Collonel ... What became of my second brother I never knew“ ?!?!?! I mean, seriously??? You never knew?! At all?? 😂

This all feels rather dramatic and unlikely, but I'm finding it engaging reading for the most part. I liked when he wrote out his pros/cons list - he was way ahead of his time working on his mental health 😆

He got SO MUCH STUFF off the ship! It kind of felt like cheating, especially getting guns/ammo. ⬇
TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) And all that crap, but not a single bucket!? That seemed unlikely haha

I could ramble on about parts I like and parts I find a bit ridiculous, but overall I'm enjoying this one (and definitely more than Pook's Hill!). Any thoughts any of you would like to share?

#RandomClassics @BarkingMadRead @CoffeeNBooks @CogsOfEncouragement @Cuilin @Lcsmcat @nanuska_153 @Read4life
BarkingMadRead So much has happened to him already! It‘s so nuts. I‘m loving all the shipwrecked stuff, seeing how he made things etc although our boy is a little paranoid! Dude. Build a door 🤷🏻‍♀️ 3w
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Lcsmcat I feel like the definition of “adventure story” is “man makes many poor decisions, but manages to live through them, and declares himself a hero.” And yes, getting stuff off the ship, (but not getting anything that holds water!) feels very contrived. 3w
CogsOfEncouragement @BarkingMadRead When he sets up to have to use the rope ladder rather than chance a door, I immediately thought but what if he gets sick or injured, HE will either be stuck outside or stuck inside. lol 3w
CogsOfEncouragement I thought it odd to mention the dog and cats so much later, and not as part of the narrative. Especially since the dog is “a trusty servant for many years”. The dog would make a huge difference in all of this imo. 3w
CogsOfEncouragement @Lcsma I hadn‘t thought of that. But considering how he thought he had taken every good thing off the ship only to realize he hadn‘t even properly looked in this area or that, and then the ship is gone kinda seems like the jokes we sometimes make that men can‘t find ketchup in the fridge. Like the author admits men suck at this. A woman would have done a much better job at getting necessities off that ship quickly and efficiently lol 3w
Cuilin I also thought getting so much from the ship was a bit convenient. I‘m enjoying the read. The writing is great viz it‘s descriptive though somewhat repetitive. 3w
Cuilin @CogsOfEncouragement right. I think I would mention furry companions before anything else. Like that would make a huge difference to your mental health. 3w
Cuilin @Lcsmcat so many poor decisions. What‘s wrong with living a comfortable life? Lol 3w
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The Lark | E. Nesbit
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I've read and enjoyed many of Nesbit's children's books, but didn't realize that she had also written a handful of “adult“ novels (in the sense that the main characters aren't children). Like her books for younger readers, this one was full of fun and humor, with likable characters and some silly scrapes. My biggest issue was that the ending felt really abrupt. I definitely needed to know more about the futures of all these characters, and ⬇

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) kind of felt like I was left hanging in that respect. So while I enjoyed this, it didn't become my new favorite.

#192025 - 1922 @Librarybelle
#FourFoursin24 - Lupine Goldmine @lauredhel - unbelievably, this is my last slot, so I've completed this challenge already!!! I was really vibing with the prompts this year 😂
#GottaCatchEmAll - Character Gets Cozy (Dubwool) @PuddleJumper
AllDebooks I did not know this. I will have to seek them out. 3w
Librarybelle I was not familiar either with these! 3w
PuddleJumper ❤️❤️ 3w
Lauredhel Omg congrats for finishing #fourfoursin24! I still have two left 3w
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I enjoyed this little “return to the hometown“ romance to start with, but was skimming by the end. The male MC has worked for literal years to gain the work position he just got because it will allow him to live close to his mom and siblings. Female MC waltzes back into town and ends up with a job as his subordinate. I lost all respect for her when she got super pissy because he wouldn't sleep with her because of the company's rules, despite her ⬇

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) literally saying she wasn't interested in anything serious/long-term and that she's planning to bail out of town as soon as she can. I'm sorry, you're angry because he isn't willing to sacrifice his ENTIRE CAREER for a short-term fling with his high school ex??? I just found her to be so self-absorbed and annoying from the get-go, and she got more so as the pages went on.

#ReadtheUSA2024 - Rhode Island
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Puck of Pook's Hill | Rudyard Kipling
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Apparently this book bored me so much that I spaced on posting the final discussion post for #RandomClassics 😂This was a borderline pan for me. I did enjoy a couple of the chapters more than others, but overall this book just absolutely dragged for me. Partially, I felt like I needed more background on Britain's older history - I'm fuzzy on when the Romans showed up and what they did, so I got somewhat lost at times. I also just couldn't figure⬇

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) out exactly what the point of Puck was?? He seemed like a wandering history teacher instead of a mischievous fae creature.

So, for me, not one of Kipling's stronger works. I think I'll give volume 2 a pass 😆 Did any of you enjoy it more than me? Thanks for reading with me!!

@BarkingMadRead @julieclair @TheBookHippie
BarkingMadRead Nope. I felt pretty much the same 🤣 3w
julieclair Ended up bailing, despite my best intentions. “Wandering History teacher” is the perfect description! 🤓 3w
TheBookHippie Oh my word this book 😅😝 I‘m just so perplexed. I did not like it. 😵‍💫😵‍💫 I‘m not understanding the hype about it. 2w
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BookSpinBingo | Untitled
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I feel like I need to start videoing myself drawing the numbers for this board to prove that I'm not cheating 😂 BookSpin and DoubleSpin in the same column, along with two free spaces!??!!? DoubleSpin in the row with three more free spaces?! Good luck out there this month, friends - the BookSpin Fates are smiling upon us!! 😂

Can't wait to see everyone's boards!!!

My standard monthly text/explanations below ⬇

TheAromaofBooks Here's the #BookSpinBingo card! First, I put our official numbers (19 & 1) back in the mix. Then I drew them all out & wrote them down as I went, meaning the official numbers are just mixed into the card with the rest! As you can see, 21-25 are both labeled with their numbers & also as free spaces, so you can use them to match however you wrote your list. To score a bingo, just read books (in any order) that are in any row or column!! MORE INFO ⬇ 4w
TheAromaofBooks 1 - I don't tag anyone on this post except for @LitsyEvents but anyone is welcome to play along!!
2 - Remember – NO PRESSURE!!!! If this starts to stress you out, just take that page right out of your journal and pretend it never existed!! This challenge is to encourage you to read, not to make you feel like reading is a chore!!!
3 - FREE SPACES can be filled with any book that is NOT already on your list!! ⬇
TheAromaofBooks 4 & final - As a reminder, only the “official” BookSpin/DoubleSpin numbers will count towards giveaway entries. I don‘t want the giveaway to be stacked against people who aren‘t able to read lots of books each month. So basically there is still a maximum of 2 entries possible per month no matter how many books you read from your list. This bingo card is just for fun & glory! 😁

Thanks for playing & happy reading!!!
See All 22 Comments
PuddleJumper 😂😂 4w
bthegood I've said it before and I'll say it again - love this game - thank you so much for hosting! 4w
BarkingMadRead Omg the way those free spaces like up, even I should be able to get a bingo 🤣 I did get one last month, I was ridiculously excited 🤣 4w
CoffeeNBooks Woohoo! I might get a bingo this month! 😂 4w
claudiuo Thank you so much, the #BookSpin draw and this card mark the actual start of the month! And the way spins are positioned, I have no excuse to not get a bingo this month!😉 (edited) 4w
Soubhiville Oooo, that makes me want to play along with bingo this month! Lol. 🩷📚😁 4w
DGRachel That‘s an awesome card. Sadly, I am NOT reading my double spin. PRB announced the July challenge selection and the description mentions starving pit bulls, so I‘m not even going to consider it. 😭 4w
TheAromaofBooks @DGRachel - Feel free to swap in a different book if you want, whatever works best!! 4w
DGRachel @TheAromaofBooks Thank you! I‘ll stick with their challenge category and just pick a different “Southern Author”. 🥹 4w
Allylu We trust you - love the red, white and blue! 4w
Bookwormjillk This is our month!! Bingos for all! 4w
peaKnit Oh I love Bingo! I‘m looking away do I can maybe prepare a board and play! 4w
persephone1408 @TheAromaofBooks I had to get a new phone last year and it couldn‘t get Litsy on it. I recently bought an iPad which let me download Litsy! I‘m so excited and I want back in on the book spin bingo I was doing…is this possible plz ma‘am? 3w
TheAromaofBooks @peaKnit - Definitely peruse the BookSpinBingo tag to check out some ideas. Some people make a list of specific books, while others prefer to choose categories to help match their mood-reading. It's a loosey goosey challenge, so feel free to make it work for you!! 3w
TheAromaofBooks @persephone1408 - Yay!! Glad to have you back!! I added you to the tag list so you should be good to go!! 3w
peaKnit Thank you, I love loosey goose :) 3w
persephone1408 Awesome! Thank you 3w
Bookbuyingaddict 🤣🤣thank you so look forward to this 😍🥰 3w
Sarahreadstoomuch Love it when the free spots line up like that. Then add in the spin and double spin? Beautiful! This will be a fun month!!! 3w
83 likes22 comments
Spinning Away | Jake Maddox
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Good morning, everyone! The moment you have all been waiting for!! Our official #BookSpin number is NINETEEN! Our official #DoubleSpin number is ONE!! I have thoroughly enjoyed looking at everyone‘s lists & am really looking forward to seeing your reviews!!

My next post will be the #BookSpinBingo card. I am NOT tagging anyone on that post!! If you want to bingo, please just check my profile for the card. This saves me having to double tag ⬇

TheAromaofBooks (cont‘d) everyone/keep track of who wants to bingo and who doesn‘t!!

I use the same tag list for the entire year, so if you would like to be added or removed, please just let me know. It takes me a while to tag everyone (there are over 200 of you!!!) so I will add “FINISHED” to the last tag batch so you know whether or not I missed you. If I did, it was completely inadvertent. Sometimes I just spell someone‘s username wrong. ⬇
TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) As always, the link to the masterpost about how this challenge works can be found on my profile or here - https://thearomaofbooks.wordpress.com/bookspin-bookspinbingo-litsy-challenge/ - and the link to the Google Form where you can track your reads for the end-of-the-year-giveaway can be found here - https://forms.gle/4kTBMWAsCa9Cvmqs6

Thanks for playing, everyone!! Please know that I read EVERY comment on this post but don't always ⬇
TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) have time to reply to them all!! Thank you all so much for your enthusiasm and for making this challenge SO much fun!!

I'm going to post the Bingo board, and then come back and start the tag list on this post. Happy reading!!!
See All 41 Comments
TheAromaofBooks Finished!! That's everyone I have on my tag list, so if you didn't get tagged and you would like to be, please just let me know!!! 4w
MaGoose I am so far behind in my reading life, I guess I'll never get caught up before I die. 😆 But I'll attempt to read these two books this month. 🤞 4w
Suet624 Thank you! 4w
TheSpineView I'm ready! 4w
Soubhiville Yay! Thank you Sarah 😁📚 4w
claudiuo Thank you so much! 4w
BarkingMadRead Hooray, thank you!! 4w
CoffeeNBooks Yay! Thank you! 4w
bookandbedandtea Yay for #BookSpin Day! Thank you Sarah 💜 4w
AmyG Thank you!!! 4w
Eggs Thanks Sarah🌹🌹🌹 4w
JamieArc Woohoo! BS is a book I really need to get through and DS is a book I really want to read. Perfect! 4w
PaperbackPirate Great picks! Happy Reading! 📚 4w
BarbaraJean Ha! My BookSpin is Interesting Times for #OokBookClub and my DoubleSpin is James for #CampLitsy24. The BookSpin fates apparently approve of my buddy reads this month! (edited) 4w
Sace I think I‘m going to go full on mood read this month and not even plan what my books will be (19 is “kindle” on my list and 1 is “physical”). I‘ll declare what‘s what when I‘m finished reading. I‘m pretty sure this is cheating 😂 4w
CSeydel Thank you Sarah! My book spin is The Emperor of All Maladies - a chunkster 😅 - and my doublespin is the much slimmer 3w
Librarybelle Looks like mine is a library book and River Sing Me Home! 3w
Deblovestoread Thank you! 3w
willaful @Sace I feel you! I'm going to have a very basic bingo card this month.

My books are The Sentence and The Spare Man
TheAromaofBooks @Sace @willaful - No worries, I like to keep things loosey goosey around here 😂 Whatever inspires people to read more works for me!! 3w
persephone1408 My #bookspin is George Orwell‘s 1984 and my #doublespin is Cytonic by Brandon Sanderson. Yay! So happy to be back 3w
UwannaPublishme Yay! 💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻 3w
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick My bookspin is tagged, an advanced copy I won of a debut coming out in August. My DoubleSpin is the #sundaybuddyread Murder Road. 3w
DieAReader ❤️‍🔥🤓📚Thanks!! 3w
Amandakay I may have to skip this month! I‘m still working on last month‘s 😣 3w
103 likes41 comments
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Another win because I just love these books so hard that it doesn't even matter how good they objectively are 😂 I was so excited to see Trixie's brothers come back from camp and see the club starting to form. This one always stuck out for me because of the whole forgery aspect. Back when I first read this, we had carbon paper around the house and I, also, practiced becoming a forger 😂

So #BobWhiteBuddies - how did you feel about this one? ⬇

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) Did anything really stick out to you? Do you have a favorite character now that we have the base crew together (minus Diana - I think she comes in during the next book maybe?)? Did this mystery seem impractical to you, or like something that “could“ happen? One thing that hit me this time - I do not remember knowing that Regan is only 22! He's barely older than the rest of these kids!

I have got to say that my favorite line from the ⬇
TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) entire book was when the police come to arrest Dick and the officer strolls in and says, “Why, Dapper Dick! Every state trooper in the country has been looking for you!“ LOL I can't explain why, but I completely LOST IT when I read that line.

Feel free to share any random thoughts you had on this one! I really enjoyed it, but I'm pretty inclined to do so haha
See All 8 Comments
BookmarkTavern I liked this one a lot! This is one of the main ones I remember where the adults really contribute. And I had completely forgotten about Reagan‘s age too. I was definitely picturing a more grizzled man. 😅 And now we‘ve almost got the whole gang together! 4w
Read4life I really enjoyed this one. I love that her brothers were home and reading about all the things they did together. I remember getting up in the summer and having friends walk in my house or me in theirs. No cell phones or social media. Just outside enjoying everything. I was also surprised to see Regan was only 22. Of course, when I first read these 22 would have seemed old. 🤣 I‘m so happy we‘re reading these together. 4w
lauraisntwilder I'm loving these! The dialogue between the kids is pitch perfect. They tease each other and act sarcastic sometimes, but none of them are mean and they genuinely enjoy being together. The brothers came home from camp and it felt like they'd always been there. 4w
DebinHawaii I completely forgot about Regan being so young too—I pictured him as being closer in age to Miss Trask! (She‘s probably younger than I am now, so now I‘m depressed…) 🥺😂 4w
TheAromaofBooks @BookmarkTavern @Read4life @lauraisntwilder @DebinHawaii - I really enjoyed the banter between the friends and siblings. They bicker, but it never feels mean-spirited. While some of the language is dated, I also appreciated that Brian & Mart were willing to do dishes and help with the cooking.

Like @Read4life maybe I don't remember Regan being “young“ because 22 seemed “old“ when I first read these 😂

Really looking forward to Book 4!!!
54 likes1 stack add8 comments
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This sequel to The Rise and Fall of DODO was a bit of a disappointment. The story lacked cohesion and I had so many questions about why we were doing some things and not doing other things, mostly why can we save the life of one person via time travel but not the other?? The complete focus on one of the team members vs the absolutely whatever attitude towards the other really turned me off. A lot of this just felt kind of pointless. ⬇

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) In the end, I also felt like we literally had spent over 500 pages going nowhere. Nothing was really particularly resolved and the set up definitely feels like it's leading into another book... that doesn't seem to exist, despite this one being published back in 2021. Ah well.

#SeriesLove2024 @TheSpineView @Andrew65
TheSpineView That's a bummer 😕 1mo
61 likes2 comments
Homing | Grace Livingston Hill
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This is brilliant bad cover work here - originally published/set in 1932, the main character of this story would probably literally rather die than show her bare midriff/legs in public😂 Love these 80s covers that try to make GLH look spicier.

This is typical GHL work - sweet, hardworking, poor girl receives help from a kind, goodhearted fellow and everyone ends up rich and happy in the end, with a dose of Jesus throughout. Not for everyone, ⬇

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) but sometimes she just hits the spot for me. Not my favorite, but ... 3.5*. It's okay. 😂

#FourFoursin24 - Retail Grayscale @lauredhel
mabell Ha! So perfectly unfitting! 😆😆 1mo
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Lady Lollipop | Dick King-Smith
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This was a cute but not amazing easy chapter book about a very spoiled princess who adopts a pig for her birthday - except the pig comes with a pig boy who isn't very impressed by the princess's princessiness haha The drawings were the best part. Soft pick. (i.e. 3.5* It was okay 😂)

#Roll100 @PuddleJumper

PuddleJumper Aww 😍 1mo
BarbaraJean I LOVED Dick King-Smith‘s books when I was a kid! This is one I haven‘t heard of, but adult me probably won‘t track it down 😂 1mo
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Lunar Love | Lauren Kung Jessen
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This was a book I wanted to like more than I did. Part of the problem is that the whole point is that Olivia runs a business where she matches people based on their Chinese Zodiac signs and making sure that her clients are paired with compatible signs. We are told the reasons for why she's so absolutely die hard about this, but despite the fact that we spend the whole book in Liv's head, I just never could quite figure out her obsession with ⬇

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) compatibility, to the exclusion of everything else. Like I get it because the author told me why, but I never FELT it, if that makes sense haha This book maybe needed a prologue of everything going south over the incompatible match, or a more detailed flashback, or something besides a couple paragraphs summing up what was apparently so emotionally devastating that it completely changed Olivia's entire life. I also wish we could have ⬇ 1mo
TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) gotten Bennett's POV!!

However, I really liked both Olivia and Bennett and I LOVED that they actually communicated like adults (usually) and that the author didn't try to throw in third act drama, because Bennett already knows most of Olivia's “secrets“ early on (like who she is, for instance). I get really stressed when one of the characters needs to make a big “confession“ or when the whole relationship is built on one of person ⬇
TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) telling lies at the beginning, so I liked that we got all that out of the way and were able to just move forward like regular people.

Overall, I did like this one, but frankly I've been in an absolutely horrible reading slump this month where everything just makes me say “eh. 3.5* It was okay“ I just don't seem to be reading anything that really gives me the sparks. So. 3.5* It was okay 😂
See All 7 Comments
Lauredhel A shame about the slump! Does a drastic genre change help you with those? 1mo
TheAromaofBooks @lauredhel - Sometimes. For me, reading slumps are usually because I'm feeling stressed about life, so sometimes I need to switch to thrillers or mysteries, which weirdly don't stress me as much as relationship drama in romances 😂 And most often I pick up old favorites because they are comforting and reassuring since I already know where they are headed. I don't worry too much; I always get reading-obsessed again at some point haha 1mo
julieclair Great review! I have had the opposite of your 3.5⭐️ slump this month. I‘m really stingy with 5⭐️ ratings, and I‘ve been tossing them around like confetti this month! 🤷‍♀️ 1mo
52 likes7 comments
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Jolie has a severe underbite that has impacted her health and looks her entire life. She's going to have surgery in a few weeks and even though the chances of her dying under anesthetic are very tiny - there is still a chance! So she decides to complete a list of things she would have wished she'd done if she ends up dead haha It's a fun premise and Jolie is a likable characters. I loved her warm family, and I always appreciate the way Winfrey ⬇

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) sets her stories in Ohio and doesn't act like it's the worst place in the world to live (because it's actually lovely here!). But sometimes I read YA that makes me feel kind of old, and this was one of them. I found myself wondering if I would have gotten more from this book when I was a teen. Jolie spends a lot of time thinking about her looks and wishing she was prettier, and it's one of the big lessons from the story, but I found ⬇ 1mo
TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) myself getting a little tired of listening to her obsess over looks, since I have long been in the stage of life where I pretty much don't care what other people think about how I look.

Still, a not-bad read with plenty of fun banter and enough seriousness mixed in to keep things grounded, while still staying overall lighthearted.

#ReadtheUSA2024 - Ohio
shortsarahrose I definitely appreciate when the Midwest is portrayed in a good light (originally from Wisconsin, now in Iowa, worked in Ohio and Indiana in the past)! 1mo
48 likes3 comments
First Lie Wins: A Novel | Ashley Elston
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Thanks so much for having a spontaneous #Two4Tuesday #TuesdayGiveaway @TheSpineView !!!

I'd be tickled to receive any of the books my to-read list, but lately I've kind of been in a thriller mood, so I'd love to read the tagged book soon!!

TheSpineView Good luck 🤞 1mo
32 likes1 comment
Red Hot July | Markus Nofler
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Okay. I don't want to say this, but I have to: 2024 is less than a week away from being HALF OVER! 😲 I feel like my #BookSpin reminder post each month is actually turning into a mini existential crisis concerning the passage of time 😂 But here we are!!! July starts on MONDAY!!!!

If, like myself, you take refuge from the way we're hurtling through the rapids of life by reading, it's probably time to start thinking about your July list!! ⬇

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) I'm looking forward to seeing what everyone has on the docket for July. June has been a SLUMPY month for me, so we'll see if I am more into it next month!!

More info about the challenge can be found here - https://thearomaofbooks.wordpress.com/bookspin-bookspinbingo-litsy-challenge/

And the link to the the form to track your spins/be entered for the end-of-the-year giveaway is here!! https://forms.gle/Cb63LhTodq5CoRhHA
See All 43 Comments
PuddleJumper Nope. Unacceptable. How is it half way through the year? Urgh. 1mo
Lcsmcat 😂😀😂 1mo
ShananigansReads “Hurtling through the rapids of life” is now my new favorite phrase. 1mo
TheSpineView July!!!😬 1mo
LiteraryinLawrence This captures how I feel! 1mo
Bookwormjillk Yikes, I seem to be missing a June. Has anyone seen it? 1mo
claudiuo Half over already?! I'm really behind with my June reading but I'll have to start thinking about the July list soon. 1mo
Jari-chan Anyone else feel like time is a weird thing? 1mo
vlwelser @bookwormjillk 😂🤣💯 1mo
BarkingMadRead It‘s on my list of things to do today 🤣 I did score one bingo so far for June, which made me ridiculously happy! 1mo
Prairiegirl_reading @Bookwormjillk I can‘t wrap my brain around it!!! 1mo
Prairiegirl_reading @Jari-chan definitely! 1mo
Sace I‘ve got my list ready! (Because it really isn‘t different from last month 😂) 1mo
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick It all goes so fast! On Thursdays, I send my schedule & a quick update to my colleague, and every week, it feels like I just did it the day before. Luckily, thanks to challenges, I have an idea of what will make the list. 1mo
MaGoose I'm having trouble with thinking about the year being half over!! It seems like it was just my birthday (April 8) 🫣 My list will be basically the same. I haven't gotten much reading done lately. 🙄 1mo
Librarybelle Hooray for July‘s #BookSpinBingo !! 1mo
DieAReader 🤯😳Insane how fast this 1st 1/2 of the year seems to have gone by already! 1mo
bookandbedandtea First, yay! I love #BookSpin Day! But also yes, the beginning of each month causes a little frisson of panic these days because it just doesn't seem possible that time is moving this quickly. 😬 1mo
MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm Perfect timing! I was just editing my list last night! 😅❤️ 1mo
vonnie862 Existential crisis 🤣 but so true!!! 1mo
TheAromaofBooks @vonnie862 - Just a mini one 😂 1mo
Deblovestoread “The days are long but the years are short” really, really short! Thanks for the reminder. 💜 1mo
kelli7990 I‘m still working on my list this month. 1mo
UwannaPublishme 😳😳😳 1mo
willaful “I feel like my #BookSpin reminder post each month is actually turning into a mini existential crisis concerning the passage of time“

WORD. 🤯🙀
Eggs Thanks Sarah 🙏🏻🩵 1mo
TheLudicReader Hahaha. I have fallen off the bookspin wagon of late, but this post made me laugh. 1mo
Kristelh Thank you, Sarah July ready or not! 4w
SpookyMazeOfBooks Ready , just have to add a few more booms to my list and it's done 4w
Bookbuyingaddict Thank you ☺️ 3w
101 likes43 comments
Puck of Pook's Hill | Rudyard Kipling
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I need to just go ahead and finish this book because I feel like I've been reading it forever 😂 I did find “Hal o' the Draft“ SLIGHTLY less boring than all the Roman “we're sitting about on a wall while other people fight battles other places“ bits haha But this book is nooooot for me and like @TheBookHippie I will NOT be picking up Puck #2!!!

Only two chapters left!!!!

@BarkingMadRead @julieclair @TheBookHippie

BarkingMadRead Omg there‘s a Puck 2?!? Whyyyyyyy 1mo
TheBookHippie Why do people say this is so good?! He has so much better material in other books 🤣. This is a slog, I keep waiting for the good part. 1mo
TheBookHippie @BarkingMadRead 🤣😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫🤷🏻‍♀️ 1mo
julieclair @TheBookHippie I don‘t think there is a good part. 😂 1mo
40 likes4 comments
East of Eden | J. Steinbeck
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This was quite the ride. Like most of Steinbeck's writing, I don't really love it, but I respect it. Parts of it were brilliant, insightful, cutting, thoughtful, and will stick with me for a long time. Parts of it felt unnecessarily gruesome, dramatic, and over-the-top. Some of it just felt like filler.

Part of my issue with this book was that I was way more interested in the Hamiltons, but they weren't actually the point of the story. ⬇

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) So some of the scenes that really stick with me, like Grandma Hamilton in the airplane, and the tragic end of Tom, actually had basically nothing to do with the forward progression of the main story. I wish Steinbeck had just written a story about his mother's family. I think I would have enjoyed tracing their tale from Samuel's immigration down through his grandchildren.

The Trasks were an interesting family, and I appreciated the ⬇
TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) repeating, yet different, Cain and Abel motif. This is a book that is unabashedly philosophical and contemplative. It navel-gazes, but because it isn't pretending that it's not, it somehow works.

I can't say that I particularly loved any of the Trasks (although I did love Lee), so it made me somewhat ambivalent towards where the story was heading.

Those of you who read along with me (or have already read it and want to jump in haha), ⬇
TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) any final thoughts? How did you feel about the ending? Did you have a favorite scene or character or quote? Did you find it overall a worthwhile read?

Thank you for plowing through this one with me!! 😁

@BarbaraJean @BarkingMadRead @Bklover @Librarybelle @Read4life @SaceReads @SamAnne @TheBookHippie
See All 7 Comments
BarkingMadRead I enjoyed it overall. You explained it perfectly, I would much rather have heard about the Hamiltons! The Trask family was very messed up! Lee was perfection, and I loved Abra as well. So I guess I just want to hear about everyone who is Trask adjacent 🤷🏻‍♀️ 1mo
Librarybelle The Trasks were drama. I liked this and am glad I finally read it. I love your photo! 1mo
TheBookHippie Perfect explanation of the book. I will never read this author again 🤣😅😵‍💫🤷🏻‍♀️😝 but I‘m so glad I have the knowledge of this book and finally got to it! I put the movie on hold at the library 👀. Thanks for leading us through it! 1mo
Cvfrailing Another wonderful book! 4w
52 likes7 comments
Robinson Crusoe | Daniel Defoe
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Okay friends, here is the schedule for Robinson Crusoe!! Basically, I will try to check in about 1/3 and then 2/3 through the book, i.e. chapters 7 and 14. I've included the final sentence of each of those chapters for those whose books are not divided into 20 chapters. We'll do our best to keep on track together/avoid spoilers, but I realize no promises can be made when we're all reading different editions with different divisions!! ⬇

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) You may have noticed that the book ends with him saying “now for part 2!“ and then there is no part 2!! I thought I was missing part of the book, but apparently it's actually a teaser for the second book, which I've never read and may or may not pick up after finishing this one haha

So we'll start July 1 with a chapter (ish) a day. I'm excited to read with you all!!

@BarkingMadRead @Cuilin @Lcsmcat @nanuska_153 @Read4life
Lcsmcat Looking forward to it! 1mo
BarkingMadRead Woohoo!! 1mo
See All 8 Comments
CoffeeNBooks I'm looking forward to finally reading this- it's been on my bookshelf for years! 1mo
TheAromaofBooks @CoffeeNBooks - Yay!! I didn't have you on my list for this one, but I added you!! I'm looking forward to it, too!! 1mo
CoffeeNBooks @TheAromaofBooks Awesome- thanks! 1mo
Read4life I‘m looking forward to it! 1mo
CogsOfEncouragement Count me in. I‘ve been curious about this classic for awhile. A BR makes it more fun. 1mo
42 likes8 comments
Robinson Crusoe | Daniel Defoe
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Oh my word, we are already more than halfway through June!! So it's time to see who would like to read along for July's #RandomClassic - Robinson Crusoe!! I've been wanting to reread this one for years.

In a trick move, I have two editions of this book. They seem to be the same text, but one is divided into 20 chapters, and the other isn't! So if you are planning to read along, let me know whether or not your book has chapters and we will see ⬇

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) what kind of schedule we can draw up haha

Originally published in 1719, some people consider this the first English novel. Defoe was a Puritan, so while there is plenty of adventure in this story, you can also expect some moralistic preaching, along with thoughts and themes that may not jive with our modern sensibilities.

Tagging my master list, and you can let me know if you'd like to join me in July!!
BarkingMadRead I‘m in! 1mo
See All 20 Comments
Lcsmcat I‘m in, and my version has 20 chapters. 1mo
BarkingMadRead I will check my version later and let you know how many chapters are in it! 1mo
Cuilin Have my copy!! I‘m in. 1mo
Read4life Mine has 20 chapters. 1mo
wanderinglynn I tried Robinson Crusoe but just couldn‘t finish it. I DNF‘d it. But I‘d like to join in August for Fahrenheit 451. 1mo
ChaoticMissAdventures I can't join for July but would love to be tagged in this group if possible? I love 451 and would join in August! 1mo
CatLass007 I‘ll be listening to the audio version. The version I‘ll be using is broken up into 39 chapters. 1mo
Librarybelle I won‘t be able to join for July, but I‘ll be back for August!! 1mo
TheAromaofBooks @BarkingMadRead @Cuilin @Lcsmcat @Read4life - Woohoo!! I have you all down for this one. I think we're going to read a chapter a day based on the 20-chapter division, but I'll draw up a schedule that gives us a sentence or two to show where we should be each week, so we can hopefully stay together 😂 1mo
TheAromaofBooks @wanderinglynn - I feel you!! I'm hoping the slower pace makes it easier to read haha But I'll see you in August - I haven't ever read Fahrenheit 451 and am weirdly looking forward to it. 1mo
TheAromaofBooks @ChaoticMissAdventures - Yay!! I'll add you to the master list - I tag everyone each month, and you can opt in or out for that month's book. In general, we read a chapter a day until we finish the book, so sometimes a book will carry over into a new month - for instance, right now I'm still finishing May's book (East of Eden) while also reading June's book (Puck of Pook's Hill). 1mo
TheAromaofBooks @Librarybelle - Sounds good!!! 1mo
nanuska_153 Can you add me too? I bought this one in a second hand shop years ago and I haven't read it yet. Pretty sure I read it as a child but I just have a very faint memory of some images 1mo
TheAromaofBooks @nanuska_153 - Definitely!!! Would you like to be added to the master list (if you're interested in any of the future books) or just for Robinson Crusoe? 1mo
nanuska_153 @TheAromaofBooks add me to the master list in case I'm tempted to join other books please! 1mo
TheAromaofBooks @nanuska_153 - Yay!! I tag everyone each month and then everyone decides if they want to opt in or out for that book. Then as we're reading, I try to post every Monday to check in. It's suuuper chill and mostly a way to keep myself accountable so I actually read these books 😂 1mo
nanuska_153 @TheAromaofBooks just checked the "chapters", mine is an old edition that I got in a second hand shop, it has no chapters but at the beginning it kind of divides the story in 24 brief sinopsis (?) Like the first one is: "My birth and parentage- early education- desire to go to sea..." Also the preface says it's an edition of the First Part of Robinson Crusoe (it has almost 300 pages) but I might need to find the rest ???‍♀️ 1mo
45 likes20 comments
East of Eden | J. Steinbeck
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(thru ch 49) Honestly, I've been totally hooked on this book during the last week or two. What is going to happen with the twins?? Is Cal going to give into the darkness within himself? Is Aron going to break? Is Kate going to destroy their lives somehow?

It's also been kind of interesting to read a book set during WWI; I feel like most books are set during WWII. The story about everyone making the life of the man with the (German??) accent ⬇

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) miserable - so sad. :-(

How do you feel about Steinbeck writing himself into the story? Supposedly the Hamiltons actually are based on Steinbeck's maternal family, while the Trasks are fictional.

Today's chapter ended a little ambiguously - do you think Cal took Aron to see their mother?

We actually only have one week left!! Monday should be our last chapter!! I haven't exactly enjoyed this book, but I've found it intriguing.
BarkingMadRead I finished this over a week ago 🤣 I‘m afraid to comment in case I have a spoiler or something in it! 1mo
See All 9 Comments
BarkingMadRead Let me see if I can do this without spoilers 🤣 i really hope Cal doesn‘t take Aron to meet his mother, it would likely destroy him! He‘s been trying so hard to be good, but he might fail! 1mo
Librarybelle It‘s interesting that Steinbeck includes himself in the story. I‘m not sure if it adds any real value, though it does make this a bit more of a personal story for Steinbeck, like it lends credence to the story since his family is tangentially related to it. As for Cal…I feel so sad for him and hope this doesn‘t lead him to be “bad.” 1mo
TheAromaofBooks @BarkingMadRead @TheBookHippie - Now that we're in the final week, I will probably be reading more than a chapter a day to find out what happens 😂 1mo
TheAromaofBooks @Librarybelle - it is somewhat jarring to me, especially because it happens so infrequently that I kind of forget that he's supposedly narrating his own family history. But it did finally make me look up to see how much of this book really was based on his family, so there's that 😂 1mo
BarbaraJean @BarkingMadRead @TheBookHippie I had to finish it yesterday! Once I get down to the last 20-30 pages, chapter-a-day tends to go out the window 😆 @Librarybelle I feel the same, that it doesn't seem to add anything. It pulled me out of the narrative every time! 1mo
36 likes9 comments
Puck of Pook's Hill | Rudyard Kipling
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Hmmm. More history. It's not... terrible?? But it's not very exciting and it's not what I expected haha I'm pretty much dragging my way through this one. Are any of you enjoying it more than me? Any thoughts? I'm mostly being reminded of how little I know about “ancient“ British history 😂

#RandomClassics @BarkingMadRead @julieclair @TheBookHippie

BarkingMadRead Exactly!! It‘s very slow, and not at all hat I expected by the cover art 🤣 1mo
TheBookHippie It‘s so slooooooow. 🤷🏻‍♀️ 1mo
TheAromaofBooks @BarkingMadRead @TheBookHippie - I'm afraid it's become what I call a “blahblahblah“ book, because that's pretty much all I'm getting out of it 😂 It's funny because I actually usually really enjoy Kipling, but I can reassure you that I will NOT be rereading this one!! 1mo
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TheBookHippie @TheAromaofBooks we‘ve read a few with my children‘s classic reads group over the years … they were better 🤣👀🫣😝. I‘ve taken to reading it aloud to my dog 🤣 1mo
julieclair I want to like this book. I keep trying to like this book. I‘m just not connecting with it. But I‘m going to keep trying, because I think I really ought to like this book. @TheBookHippie @BarkingMadRead 1mo
TheBookHippie @julieclair This is my working theory as well 🤣🤷🏻‍♀️ 1mo
BarkingMadRead @julieclair I‘m at that point where I‘m so close to being done that I can‘t justify stopping 🤣 1mo
TheAromaofBooks @julieclair @TheBookHippie @BarkingMadRead - Same!! I'm like... I usually like Kipling (ish)... I usually like historical fiction... WHY AM I STRUGGLING!? 😂 This book isn't even that long!!! Christine, I'm picturing you reading to your dog and him wondering why you're putting him through this, too 😂 😂 😂 1mo
TheBookHippie @TheAromaofBooks 🤣🐶 also this book has a follow up and I‘m so not reading it 🤣😬 1mo
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The Passengers | John Marrs
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I have roughly five million thriller/mysteries on my TBR, so if none of these click, it's not hard to find some more options 😂 But here are a few that I keep meaning to get to - I've enjoyed other books by each of these authors. Let me know what you think @Jerdencon @robinb @bookandbedandtea

bookandbedandtea I've read the Marrs (loved it!) and the McIntosh but the other two are new to me and sound good. 1mo
Jerdencon I haven‘t read any - all sound good. 1mo
robinb Haven‘t read any! 😊👍 1mo
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TheAromaofBooks @bookandbedandtea @Jerdencon @robinb - I think I'm going to go with the Lisa Jewell book for this round then - even her books that I've read and didn't find as good as the others have still been compelling reads, so I'm hoping this one will be a win 😂 1mo
bookandbedandtea @TheAromaofBooks Sounds great! I agree that I've generally been happy with her books so can probably expect this to be good. 1mo
robinb Great! Shockingly enough, I‘ve never read a Jewell book. 😱😱🤯 Why do I feel sort of embarrassed to admit that??! LOL 🤷🏻‍♀️ 1mo
Jerdencon I‘ve read a couple and they are good page turners - looking forward to this one 1mo
TheAromaofBooks @robinb - I was late to the party as well and still have a lot of her backlist books to read. She's one of those authors that I get done and think, “Wait... that kinda didn't make sense...“ but her pacing is so good that I rarely notice when I'm actually reading 😂 1mo
robinb @TheAromaofBooks 😂😂😂 I totally understand you!! Sometimes it almost feels like certain authors throw in a BUNCH of convoluted stuff to steer you off track of…”Hmmm…I‘m not sure that‘s feasible/possible/accurate”. And my poor brain just usually gives up and goes with the flow. 🤯🤯🤯 1mo
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A day late, but here is my #WednesdayWanderings post!! My husband and I love to hike and most of our vacations center around doing so, although we are day hikers, not backpackers haha We visited the Lake Placid region back in 2016 and climbed Algonquin Peak. It's not a terribly long hike, but these are photos of the TRAIL - so much of it was just scrambling up rocks! Which meant coming down was just as hard as going up. I would like to say that ⬇

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) we got a payoff in a beautiful views, but actually the fog closed in the higher we climbed, so our view was not great 😂 It really became more of a stubbornness thing - we were SO determined to conquer this one!! Every once in a while you take a hike that actually changes you as a person, and this was one of those for us haha

@AllDebooks @TheBookHippie @Chrissyreadit @jenniferw88 #MidsummerSolace
TheAromaofBooks PS Have to say the best part is there was a peak ranger at the top hanging out to make sure people were in trouble and said he climbs the mountain every day that he's on duty, so usually 4-5 times a week. He must have legs of IRON!!! 😂 1mo
AllDebooks Love this. ❤️ Wow, that ranger myst be at peak fitness!! 1mo
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IndoorDame Love that you finished! Park rangers are so bad ass! 1mo
tpixie Great memories! And the rocks are pretty to LOOK at! 1mo
kspenmoll So beautiful!!!! 1mo
TheBookHippie Oh what an accomplishment !!!! Stubborn pays off!! 1mo
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Puck of Pook's Hill | Rudyard Kipling
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Okay, is it me or is this book BORING?? 😂 I mean, it's okay, I guess, but I have definitely been more plowing my way through than particularly looking forward to picking this book up. Would it be more interesting if I was more familiar with British history?? Let me know if any of you are enjoying this more than me haha

#RandomClassic @BarkingMadRead @CatLass007 @julieclair @TheBookHippie

BarkingMadRead It‘s….. interesting? Not at all what I was expecting when Puck first showed up 🤣 2mo
TheAromaofBooks @BarkingMadRead - I'm like, isn't Puck supposed to be mischievous?! This one just seems to be a history teacher 😂 2mo
TheBookHippie I thought Puck was supposed to be naughty 🤷🏻‍♀️ it‘s better read in the morning 👀🫣when my brain is working full capacity. 🤣 2mo
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CatLass007 It didn‘t really interest me so I‘ve decided on an early bail #hailthebail! 2mo
TheAromaofBooks @TheBookHippie - I agree! I have to concentrate way more than I should for a children's book 😂 2mo
TheAromaofBooks @CatLass007 - Makes sense to me!! Do you want me to take you off the tag list for this one, then? 2mo
CatLass007 Only if it‘s easy for you to do and easy for you to put me back on the list for next month. 1mo
TheAromaofBooks @CatLass007 - I keep a master list where I check every month and see who wants to read the next book, and then individual lists for each book. So it is no big deal to add or remove you!! 😁 1mo
CatLass007 Then please remove me from the tag list for Puck and add me back for Robinson Crusoe. 1mo
CatLass007 💗 1mo
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East of Eden | J. Steinbeck
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(thru ch 41) I feel like we've gotten more actual story this week, so that's been interesting. Cal's character is really developing in a direction I wasn't expecting. Once again, Steinbeck seems to be emphasizing the concept of choice. Aron is turning into a bit of a prat, though 😑

The chapter focusing on Cathy/Kate was another interesting twist of her character as well. I'm a bit fascinated by what she considers “trapped“ vs her control. ⬇

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) I'm scared that her paranoia is going to somehow end up harming Adam and/or the boys.

Any thoughts from you all this week?

#RandomClassic @BarbaraJean @BarkingMadRead @Bklover @Librarybelle @Read4life @SaceReads @SamAnne @TheBookHippie
BarkingMadRead Kate scares me, I feel like she‘s going to lash out of the boys somehow! Kyle interest me the most, because he knows that he has those bad tendencies but he wants to be good. I do not like the turn that Aron took, he seems to have a bit of an obsessive personality. Poor Abra! 2mo
TheAromaofBooks @BarkingMadRead - Aron definitely seems not as bright, one of those people who just decide what they like/want/are/think is good or bad and then stubbornly insist on sticking to that opinion no matter what else they learn. If Abra can get him focused in a decent direction so that he just keeps plodding along the way she wants him to go, she might be able to make it work 😂 2mo
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Librarybelle I get chills down my spine reading about Cathy/Kate. We have about 20% of the book to go, according to my Kindle app. It‘ll be interesting to see how this turns out! 2mo
TheAromaofBooks @Librarybelle - It's been interesting to watch C/K become more and more pitiful as time passes - always looking for the worst, always willing to destroy anything that gets in her way (even when it's not actually a bad thing or an actual threat), constantly manipulating and assuming everyone else is doing the same thing - it was always sad, but as she's getting older it's becoming pathetic and tragic as well. Such a waste! 2mo
Librarybelle Completely agree, @TheAromaofBooks ! 1mo
10 likes6 comments
Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm | Kate Douglas Wiggin
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The first half of this book was a pick. The second half really fell off and felt like Wiggin couldn't really decide where she wanted to take the story so it didn't go much of anywhere. However, I was glad to finally read this classic and enjoyed discussing its influence on Anne of Green Gables with the #KindredSpirits Is it plagiarism if you write it a million times better than the original? 😂

@TheBookHippie @BarbaraJean

TheBookHippie 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣💚💚💚💚💚 I do so agree!!! 2mo
BarbaraJean Hahaha—improvement is not plagiarism! I love that copy of this!! 😍 2mo
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Untitled | Untitled
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Originally published in 1953, I've had this library edition for years and years. A middle grade read with delightful illustrations by Lisl Weil, it's a story about twins getting ready to celebrate their 10th birthday and also getting ready for a hobby show at school. It's a simple little story but super cute.


marleed Oh so sweet! 2mo
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This rating is definitely an “it's me not you“ kind of thing. I actually loved the concept of this book - a woman doesn't know anything about her birth mother, who died when she was young. Now that her father has passed away and her stepmother has dementia, she is going through their things and comes across a photo of her mother and a few other people. She posts on a forum, wondering if anyone can help identify the others. This leads to a ⬇

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) correspondence as she and the son of one of the men pictured try to piece together their parents' pasts. Most of the book is their letters and emails. Interspersed are descriptions of the photos that they are finding. The book isn't terribly long and was a very fast read, which is why I ended up finishing it haha However, the more they discovered, the sadder the story got. Even though they get a technically happy ending, all of the ⬇ 2mo
TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) stories they discover are somewhat tragic and sad, and since everyone is dead now, there isn't any hope for reconciliation or change.

And as a side note, it felt like actually including photographs instead of 2-3 pages describing each one would have actually worked much better and added a higher level of emotional impact to the story.

I can see this appealing to people who aren't as determined to feel happy when they finish a book as ⬇
TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) it was well-written, but it just wasn't the right fit for me. Real life is sad enough right now, I need happy fiction haha

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Soubhiville It actually sounds like a book I might love 🤣. At least it was short! 📚 2mo
TheAromaofBooks @Soubhiville - It has many positive reviews on GR, and I actually did overall enjoy the story. It just got so sad!!! But I know a lot of people don't mind or even sometimes enjoy that bittersweetness, so I can definitely see this being a more enjoyable read for many 😂 2mo
Gissy I concur with @Soubhiville sounds interesting🤷🏽‍♀️I stacked it😳☺️I don‘t know if I used the word grammatically correct (edited) 2mo
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The Mummy Case | Elizabeth Peters
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While I am always delighted to visited Amelia and Emerson, this isn't my favorite of the series. Their son Ramses is, frankly, obnoxious. The mystery is a little shaky. And every ten pages we have to listen to Emerson expounding on why he's more intelligent than anyone who has ever believed in any religion. But outside of those annoyances, there is still so much to enjoy. The setting, the non-Ramses characters (in fairness, Ramses matures and ⬇

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) becomes one of my favorite characters later in the series), and Amelia's sparkling narration are all just so fun. A softer pick than some of the others in the series, but a pick nonetheless.

#SeriesLove2024 @TheSpineView @Andrew65
#WickedWords - Date @AsYouWish
#ISpyBingo - God/Goddess, Palm Tree
CarolynM I‘ve always thought you need to have known Ramses as a child to fully appreciate him as an adult😆 2mo
TheAromaofBooks @CarolynM - This is the one where she gives him that speech impediment... I literally never have issues LISTENING to someone who has a lisp, stutter, or other issue with speaking out loud, but there is something about READING it that just really gets annoying 😂 I think she's trying to remind readers that he's only five or whatever, but either way I can't deal with how they just let him do whatever he wants/think he's clever for finding loopholes. 2mo
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TheAromaofBooks @CarolynM - But I do genuinely enjoy seeing the way his love for Egypt and its history is from a very early age onward 😂 And you can see where he gets his penchant for adventure and sneaking about!!! 2mo
TheSpineView Fantastic!🤩📖📚 2mo
Ruthiella I feel that Ramses has as a child displays the worst characteristics of his parents! 😂 But he does become more tolerable as he gets older and it occasionally allowed to finish a sentence. 2mo
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East of Eden | J. Steinbeck
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(thru ch34) - Well, quite a few people have kipped over since our last check in! Poor Tom! I did a little research to try and figure out what actually killed Dessie. Most people seem to think appendicitis, but I couldn't find out why the salts would have made it worse (or even what they were for - to make her vomit? As an antacid?). Also would appendicitis last so long? She's already complaining of the pain when she first goes to stay with Tom. ⬇

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) So all that to say, I don't know but I'd love to hear anyone else's theories haha

I'm worried about Adam and his sons moving so close to where Cathy lives. That seems foolish. Aren't there any other towns where he could take his sons to go to school??

The end of ch30, where Cal is trying to do better, wants to do better - wow, that really got me. I hope that he doesn't turn into a terrible person like his mother! At least he isn't a ⬇
TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) total psychopath!

Today's chapter was short but poignant. I'm still thinking about the line: “if you or I must choose between two courses of thought or action, we should remember our dying and try so to live that our death brings no pleasure to the world.“ I remember back when I was an early teen recognizing how when some people walk into a room, everyone is glad to see them, but with others everyone seems to sort of heave a deep sigh ⬇
TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) and bear it. I wanted to be one of the happy ones. I don't want to be the cranky person that when someone gets home they tell their spouse, “ugh I had to deal with SARAH today, you wouldn't BELIEVE what a pain she is!“ So all that to say, I think the parts of this story that appeal to me are the parts about choice. That we choose if we want to do good or not, if we want to add or take away.

...but I do have to agree with the ⬇
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TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) hypothetical child at the beginning of ch34... “What's this story about?“ 😂

Please share your thoughts!!!

#RandomClassics @BarbaraJean @BarkingMadRead @Bklover @Librarybelle @Read4life @SaceReads @SamAnne @TheBookHippie
Librarybelle I think, too, that this is a story about choice, a story about good versus evil. Some choose the path of good, others evil. We all wrestle with our own demons, who affect the way we respond to situations. There are definite chapters of rambling and meandering! 2mo
shortsarahrose Appendicitis can be chronic! 2mo
BarkingMadRead Poor Dessie, I wondered at first if it was stomach cancer, but then I was thinking it was appendicitis and that it burst at the end. Poor Tom, he has so much guilt and it wasn‘t his fault! 2mo
TheBookHippie I do think it‘s about choice. I agree lots of rambling on… 2mo
BarbaraJean I‘m finally caught up!! I‘m with @BarkingMadRead - at first I thought cancer, but once the doctor is called and he knows exactly what it is, appendicitis seemed more likely. It seems odd that it went on for that long, though. I felt SO bad for Tom. That letter to Will—😭 I was also so frustrated that Dessie never consulted a doctor about the pain. 2mo
BarbaraJean I don‘t understand Adam moving so close to Cathy, either. It does show how he‘s moved on, but it‘s just SO easy for the boys to find out. And that part with Cal is heart wrenching! He can see so clearly how he is vs. how Aron is—he understands people‘s motivations. But he also wants so desperately to be different. That sets him apart from Cathy. Like Adam tells her, she can‘t even fathom there could be good in people. Cal can, and he wants that. 2mo
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BookSpinBingo | Untitled
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A gloomy day here, so I think it's a perfect day for reading!!! Our BookSpin number conveniently got slotted into a line with TWO free spaces!! 🎉 Also, when I was making this post, I realized that the BookSpinBingo “book title“ has over 2000 posts! I just want to thank all of you again for participating in this challenge and reading with me. It's SO fun to see how all of you make this work for you. I love it!!!

My standard monthly text below ⬇

TheAromaofBooks Here's the #BookSpinBingo card! First, I put our official numbers (17 & 6) back in the mix. Then I drew them all out & wrote them down as I went, meaning the official numbers are just mixed into the card with the rest! As you can see, 21-25 are both labeled with their numbers & also as free spaces, so you can use them to match however you wrote your list. To score a bingo, just read books (in any order) that are in any row or column!! MORE INFO ⬇ 2mo
TheAromaofBooks 1 - I don't tag anyone on this post except for @LitsyEvents but anyone is welcome to play along!!
2 - Remember – NO PRESSURE!!!! If this starts to stress you out, just take that page right out of your journal and pretend it never existed!! This challenge is to encourage you to read, not to make you feel like reading is a chore!!!
3 - FREE SPACES can be filled with any book that is NOT already on your list!! ⬇
TheAromaofBooks 4 & final - As a reminder, only the “official” BookSpin/DoubleSpin numbers will count towards giveaway entries. I don‘t want the giveaway to be stacked against people who aren‘t able to read lots of books each month. So basically there is still a maximum of 2 entries possible per month no matter how many books you read from your list. This bingo card is just for fun & glory! 😁

Thanks for playing & happy reading!!!
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Bookwormjillk Woo hoo! 2mo
triplem80 I'm not gonna lie...even though I don't spend a lot of time (or post often) on Litsy, the release of the #bookspin numbers and #bookspinbingo is always one of the highlights of my month! So thank you!! 2mo
TheAromaofBooks @triplem80 - Thank you so much!!! 💕 2mo
BarkingMadRead So excited! I had three “almost bingos” last month 🤣 I‘m determined to get one in June! 2mo
claudiuo This is the highlight of my every month. Thank you so much! 2mo
BookmarkTavern Woohoo! 2mo
PaperbackPirate The draw was kind to me this month! Thank you! 😊📚 2mo
bthegood Thank you! 2mo
Bookbuyingaddict Thank you ☺️ 2mo
77 likes12 comments
Spin of Fate | A. A. Vora
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Good morning, everyone! The moment you have all been waiting for!! Our official #BookSpin number is SEVENTEEN! Our official #DoubleSpin number is SIX!! I have thoroughly enjoyed looking at everyone‘s lists & am really looking forward to seeing your reviews!!

My next post will be the #BookSpinBingo card. I am NOT tagging anyone on that post!! If you want to bingo, please just check my profile for the card. This saves me having to double tag ⬇

TheAromaofBooks (cont‘d) everyone/keep track of who wants to bingo and who doesn‘t!!

I use the same tag list for the entire year, so if you would like to be added or removed, please just let me know. It takes me a while to tag everyone (there are over 200 of you!!!) so I will add “FINISHED” to the last tag batch so you know whether or not I missed you. If I did, it was completely inadvertent. Sometimes I just spell someone‘s username wrong. ⬇
TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) As always, the link to the masterpost about how this challenge works can be found on my profile or here - https://thearomaofbooks.wordpress.com/bookspin-bookspinbingo-litsy-challenge/ - and the link to the Google Form where you can track your reads for the end-of-the-year-giveaway can be found here - https://forms.gle/4kTBMWAsCa9Cvmqs6

Thanks for playing, everyone!! Please know that I read EVERY comment on this post but don't always ⬇
TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) have time to reply to them all!! Thank you all so much for your enthusiasm and for making this challenge SO much fun!!

I'm going to post the Bingo board, and then come back and start the tag list on this post. Happy reading!!!
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TheAromaofBooks @CoffeeK8 @rachelsbrittain @LaraReads

This is the end of my tag list!!! If you didn't get tagged and would like to be added, please just let me know. Happy reading!! 💕
AllDebooks Please add me to the taglist. I'm ready to pick #bookspinbingo up again 2mo
AmyG Thank you! 2mo
TheAromaofBooks @AllDebooks - Yay!! Glad to have you back!! 2mo
GinaKButler Yay!! So excited for a great month! Thank you for hosting! 2mo
Suet624 Thank you so much!!! 2mo
CoffeeNBooks Yay! Thank you so much! I look forward to this every month! 📚 2mo
claudiuo Thank you so much for doing this every month! June officially started now 😁 2mo
TheSpineView Great! Thanks! I got a feeling June is going to be awesome! 2mo
Soubhiville Yay! Thank you! Enjoy your Sunday. 2mo
staci.reads Yay! Thanks for another month of the nudge to read my shelves! Tagged is #BS, and #DS is The Three Body Problem! 2mo
Librarybelle Yay! I have a library book and 52 Steps to Murder! 2mo
bookandbedandtea Fun! I'm off to check my list! 💛 2mo
Eggs Thanks Sarah 🥰🥰 2mo
Bookzombie Thank you! 🙂 2mo
DieAReader Thanks!!!🤓❤️‍🔥📚 2mo
gossamerchild Both my #bookspin and my #doublespin are just generic “library book“ choices this month. I might actually get to both of them! :-D 2mo
willaful Mine are My Lucky Star by Joe Keenan -- have tried and failed to finish it several times and The Great Believers by Rebecca Makkai ( a chunkster!) 2mo
Sace Thanks! 2mo
PaperbackPirate Mine are Cress by Marissa Meyer and 2mo
CSeydel Thank you! 2mo
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick The final 30% of The Labyrinth of the Spirits and my #foodandlit selection, Burial Rites. 2mo
SpookyMazeOfBooks Sorry I haven't been posting , going to make a hole new list and re join in July 1mo
115 likes37 comments
Puck of Pook's Hill | Rudyard Kipling
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Okay #RandomClassics friends, here is the schedule for Puck of Pook's Hill!! It seems that this is a collection of short stories and poems. So the main title for each bullet point is the story, and the parenthetical titles are the associated poems. Each story is about 25-30pgs, so 2-3 a week feels doable. We'll see how it goes!!!

@BarkingMadRead @CatLass007 @julieclair @TheBookHippie

BarkingMadRead Sounds like a plan! 2mo
julieclair This sounds interesting! 😀 2mo
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The Obsession | Nora Roberts
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Another soft pick. This one starts strong with 12-year-old Naomi discovering that her dad is actually a serial killer and rescuing his latest victim. It's super creepy. Adult Namoi has changed her last name and tried to put her past behind her. She's a successful and somehow stupidly rich photographer and purchases a very rundown but beautiful old house in Washington state. That's where this book got muddled. I actually didn't mind the ⬇

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) “boring“ parts with her shopping for stuff for her house, painting, getting to know the neighbors, etc. But Roberts tries to introduce a second serial killer into the story and it just didn't mesh. The story needed to be either more focused on this killer or less, because I honestly just found him a distraction from the pleasant little romance story we had going on lol

So, a fine one-off, but not one I'll reread.
(edited) 2mo
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Pedigree Unknown | Dorothy Lyons
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It's no secret that I'm a lifelong lover of horse stories of all kinds. I've read one or two other books by Lyons, so I was interested to read this one. However, it just didn't work for me. Jill breaks off her engagement with Hadley because he's a jerk, but then decides that actually she is going to show him that he was wrong about what he said, and of course he'll admit that, and then he won't be a jerk, so it will all work out. Except that's ⬇

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) dumb because he's obviously a jerk forever. Plus, it never even felt like Jill particularly liked, much less loved, Hadley, so her whole “I want him back“ schtick seemed unrealistic. The book would have definitely read better if she had just wanted to prove him wrong without actually “winning him back.“ Of course, in the end she finally realizes he really is a jerk and goes with the not-jerk guy, but by then it was too late - I'd already⬇ 2mo
TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) lost all my respect for this girl haha Other parts of the book - the bits about the actual horses - were interesting, but Jill just made me feel tired all over. This one is off to the giveaway bin.

#192025 - 1973 @Librarybelle
Librarybelle Hooray!! 2mo
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Crazeedi If you live horse books did you read 2mo
TheAromaofBooks @Crazeedi - I haven't read that one!! Most of my horse books are from the 50s-70s haha but I will check this one out!! 2mo
PaperbackPirate Love the cover but sorry the story didn‘t live up to it. 🐴💙📚 2mo
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The Rise and Fall of D.O.D.O. | Neal Stephenson, Nicole Gallan
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Since I actually finished this 700pg book, you would think that I would have strong feelings about it. But I weirdly don't. There's a lot here that I enjoyed. It's a time-travel book, which isn't always my thing, but it's handled here in a way that actually did (mostly) make sense to me. I actually enjoyed the format, which is a mixture of journal entries from various characters, plus other documents, notes, transcripts, etc.

This book was ⬇

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) just tooooo long. There are a lot of sections where nothing is really happening. Part of this is kind of the point, how this little organization gets caught up in so much red tape and government bureaucracy/bloat, so I get it... but it still makes for some boring reading in various sections. There's a lot of action right at the end, which weirdly made this entire book feel like it was a big long prologue for book two. Like it doesn't ⬇ (edited) 2mo
TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) end on a cliffhanger or anything, but it kind of felt like “we've got the band back together and now we're off to take on the world... and this book was all the story of how we got here.“

So a soft pick here, and the sheer length makes me hesitate to recommend it. I do have book 2 from the library and may get to it... someday haha

#Roll100 @PuddleJumper
#WickedWords - Shakespeare @AsYouWish
#ReadtheUSA - MA
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YAY!! Another fabulous outing with Trixie and Honey!!! This one definitely feels like Part 2 of the first book. While I 100% enjoyed this, some of it felt genuinely ridiculous, but in that fun, campy way that I love. And as a kid I still felt like these were adventures that could happen to me. So many characters running around in the woods in this book!! 😂 I honestly loved how the girls were terrible at directions and didn't always make the ⬇

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) right choices.

Side note: These girls should NOT own dogs!!! 😂 😂 😂

How did you feel about this one? Was the ending too over-the-top? I liked that the author at least TRIED to make it feel reasonable for the Wheelers to adopt Jim out of no where by saying they used to know Jim's dad... but it still kind of feels like it's out of nowhere haha

Favorite scene was probably Honey trying to be a gangster 😆 ⬇
TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) Do let me know what you thought. Did anything stick out to you? Anything you thought was especially ridiculous or especially clever? Did the story and characters work for you, or did it feel too unlikely?

Next month we are on to The Gatehouse Mystery and I THINK Trixie's brothers come home from camp. Brian was definitely my crush in this series, so I'm looking forward to his return 😂

Thanks for reading with me #BobWhiteBuddies !!!!
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Read4life I‘m just enjoying rereading these. I agree that the girls aren‘t great at keeping up with the dogs! 😂 I liked how Honey‘s mom was portrayed at the end of the book. 2mo
lauraisntwilder Mine has a misprint and page 225 is repeated in place of 235, so I don't have the second-to-last page! I'm pretty sure they all made it back to Sleepyside though. This was such a fun book! I loved Trixie and Joeanne separately getting tangled in branches and vines. They should've left the dogs at home! 😂 Yes, there are some far-fetched plot points, but after reading a few Nancy Drew books, this one feels almost pretty reasonable. 2mo
TheAromaofBooks @Read4life - I loved that, too!! The part earlier in the book where Honey said she thought her mother would have loved her if she had been a boy 😢 That made the ending even sweeter when her mother was so genuinely happy to see and hug her. 2mo
TheAromaofBooks @lauraisntwilder - Oh no!! 😂 Truly, let me know if you want me to scan the last page and email it to you because I totally can!! Those dogs were NOT a good match for this trip haha I think growing up that made Honey and Trixie feel more realistic to me, though. Their mistakes always felt relatable lol 2mo
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East of Eden | J. Steinbeck
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(thru ch 29 because I haven't finished today's chapter yet haha)

Well, I can't say I was sad to leave creepy Cathy behind and check in on some other characters this week. Mr. Hamilton though 😞 He and Lee are literally the only two people I even like in this book!

I was so glad that Adam finally got some closure with his psychopath wife and can move on, but I definitely get the feeling that his lies to his sons about their mother will come ⬇

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) back to bite him.

At this point, I just want Lee to get out of there and open his bookstore. THAT is a story I would enjoy reading!!!

I don't like this book at all, but I do find myself continuing to read with a kind of fascinated horror. My husband said he had to read this in his sophomore English class. It's not even that this seems like inappropriate high school material (although it does), it's more like - POINTLESS high school ⬇
TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) material?? Like why???? At least Grapes of Wrath has some historical context and insights into the struggles of the Great Depression. Frankly, I've found this book to be just kind of dumb and pointless. Sometimes I swear they pick high school reading material with the idea of discouraging kids from reading on their own.

ANYWAY are any of you enjoying this more than me?? I realize that just because I don't like a book doesn't mean that⬇
TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) no one does, so please feel free to express conflicting opinions in the comments 😂

#RandomClassics @BarbaraJean @BarkingMadRead @Bklover @Librarybelle @Read4life @SaceReads @SamAnne @TheBookHippie
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BarkingMadRead I‘m not minding it 🤷🏻‍♀️ I won‘t say I love it, because it‘s very disturbing, but I like it. I‘m wondering if these boys are Adam‘s? Charles? One of each? I‘m voting Charles, Cal is sincerely creepy. Lee needs to hightail it out of there. But not in that car 🚗 (edited) 2mo
TheAromaofBooks @BarkingMadRead - I have to say that I loved the car scene. And also... not sure if I would enjoy driving if I had to go through so many steps every time I started mine!!! 2mo
Librarybelle I agree with @BarkingMadRead …I like it, not love it. Some of the chapters seem to meander too much for me, but then others are absolutely horrifying. I have a feeling we‘ll see Cathy again. She‘s a bad penny. 2mo
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George Washington's World | Genevieve Foster
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I LOVE Genevieve Foster's “parallel history“ books. I remember reading these in middle school and realizing for the first time that even though America History and World History were two separate courses in school, the history itself all happened at the same time, and what was going on in France, China, Australia, etc impacted and influenced what was happening here and vice versa. It was fun to revisit this one. And her illustrations are adorable.

Hooked_on_books That binding just makes me smile 🙂 2mo
TheAromaofBooks @Hooked_on_books - My great-grandmother was an elementary school teacher in the 40s/50s/60s and this was one of her classroom books!! A first edition from 1941 and has “Property of Mrs. Wilson, Cedar Heights Elementary“ stamped inside!! It's kind of crazy to me to think of her going out and buying this brand new for her class! 2mo
Hooked_on_books Oh my gosh, that is so special! It was clear that this book had a story and I love that you know what it is and that it‘s so personal. What a treasure! 2mo
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Ceremony in Death | Nora Roberts, J. D. Robb
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This series has really grown on me. I love Eve and Roark together. They balance each other so well. Eve is a fantastic MC and all the support characters are also so well-drawn. Reading this right after finishing the Amelia Peabody book had me wondering if Robb was giving Elizabeth Peter's heroine a nod by naming Eve's sidekick Peabody 😂

#SeriesLove2024 @TheSpineView @Andrew65
#192025 - 1997 @Librarybelle

Librarybelle I am really enjoying this series too! So glad I‘m finally reading them. 2mo
TheAromaofBooks @Librarybelle - I didn't completely enjoy the first book, but I'm super glad that I stuck it out and tried the next one, because I've enjoyed every book more than the last!! 2mo
TheSpineView Sounds like a great series!❤️📖📚 2mo
robinb I need to catch up on this series…I think I‘m 4 or 5 behind. I remember when I discovered it at the library and thought it would take me FOREVER to get through them…then I couldn‘t put them down. 😂 1mo
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