I got halfway through this and realised I just didn't care enough to read another book and a half of the trilogy
I got halfway through this and realised I just didn't care enough to read another book and a half of the trilogy
All the High Street shops had been commandeered by dealers whose exotic banners hung over the names of Hoy‘s humdrum traders, from Holzbucher of Leipzig to Bibulous Bishop Books. Beastly Bindings had taken over the stationery shop, while Vesper‘s Erotica nestled on the top floor of Hoy‘s electrical store. Cars had been banished to accommodate a fleet of barrows tenanted by less affluent dealers.
I enjoyed Rothereird so much I was glad to have a chance to read the sequel. The world building is so rich and enchanting while also a little unsettling. An the characters are so flawed and human but still so likeable.