The first part, where the doctors try to work out how to treat Lonvellin, is much more interesting than the second part where Sector General comes under military attack from an empire trying to cover up its own misdeeds.
The first part, where the doctors try to work out how to treat Lonvellin, is much more interesting than the second part where Sector General comes under military attack from an empire trying to cover up its own misdeeds.
One of the best parts of White's Sector General series are his aliens, because they truly are alien in both physical form (not humanoids with pointy ears or ridges on their noses like Star Trek)
and their psychology. This book, Dr. Conway and his staff not only have to deal with their usual multi-species medical issues, but also a mysterious enemy Empire waging war on the defenseless hospital station. 3 💥💥💥 1/2 out of 5.