“But the skeleton is free of life and when I'm alive I shudder all over. I won't get the final nudity. And I still don't want it, it seems.
This is the life seen by life.”
“But the skeleton is free of life and when I'm alive I shudder all over. I won't get the final nudity. And I still don't want it, it seems.
This is the life seen by life.”
Maybe the words got lost in translation...because I could not go beyond the first few pages because none of the sentences were making any sense 🤔
Through few years that is my third unsuccessful attempt to read Clarice Lispector ….
Dense, stream of consciousness. Narrator addressing former lover? Friend? Exhausted from looking after the world. Alternate realities. Oblique life. Dreams. Time. Freedom. “This instant-now.” Words vs. images. State of grace. Dying a little. “To live this life is more an indirect remembering than a direct living.” Strong translation. 1973, trans. 2012.
a letter to a son. shares themes with Chandelier. short. secrets. the instant. the “disarticulation” of birth. grace. binary opposition. limitation of form. god is irrelevant or a monster. freedom (in death?).
4 stars