Bedtime reading.
The last few in this book have been boring. This one is better. A detective interviews a boarder in a house where the husband murdered his wife with an axe. The boarder claims he knew the murder would happen for a month.
Bedtime reading.
The last few in this book have been boring. This one is better. A detective interviews a boarder in a house where the husband murdered his wife with an axe. The boarder claims he knew the murder would happen for a month.
I enjoyed some of what I read.
I wasn't aware that Dickens wrote any detective stories. I don't think it's very good tho.
Most of the stories so far, excepting the first, just aren't all that dastardly. This one isn't very dastardly.
What if the writer thinks affirmative action is stupid so he writes a story about AA in the mob?
Annoying sendup of Sherlock Holmes or annoying homage to Sherlock Holmes, i am not sure which.
One story before bed is a sendup of Sherlock Holmes by J. M. Barrie. It reminds me a lot of Nick Mamatas' Twitter trolling.
Detective Thinlock Bones annoyingly interrupts everyone to demonstrate his superior ability to predict what someone is about to say.
Robert St. Timon and his father want to bilk a rich widow out of her money, but the plan goes awry and St. Timon is there to find out from Bones why.
Hate every character in all 3 pages of this story. Burn them all in a firey pit.
The first story According To Plan by Ray Darby is a great 4 page noir-ish murder. Adventure of the Baritone Singer by George Barton has three versions of the murder: what the young lady saw, what the young man did, and the truth. And the truth is boring.
New plan! Read one story from this most nights at bedtime. Each story is very short.