Just went to a Books a Million for the first time in a long while. Managed to find some books among all the toys and kitsch. My goodness since when do gee gaws outnumber books in a bookstore (/cranky old lady rant)
rjsthumbelina Since bookstores have to fight to stay relevant in the advent of online shopping. As somebody who works at a Barnes and Noble 6y
Sace @rjsthumbelina oh I understand! It's just a little sad 😢 6y
rjsthumbelina What's really disheartening is how many people at checkout tell me that they don't need a membership bc "they don't really read and this one book will be the only one they buy this year-bc it's for Aunt Susie" or whoever. They aren't ashamed and of it in the least. Or how often I get told "I just don't have time to read."-like, yeah,I get that, I'm a full time grad student that works 50 hrs a week between 2 jobs.you find time if you care? my rant 6y
Sace @rjsthumbelina preach! I teach and have to get my 8 hours of sleep so I PRIORITIZE my reading. I teach with someone who teaches, is in grad school and helps with adult Ed for prisoners and she reads all the time. Everyone has even a little bit of time to read IMO. 6y