I remember Farris suggesting that Democrats push for D.C. statehood in this outstanding book. They appear to be listening.
I remember Farris suggesting that Democrats push for D.C. statehood in this outstanding book. They appear to be listening.
Yes! They should make this a constitutional amendment!
Fix The Court (continued)
Faris recommends more than just mere obstruction on the part of Democrats. In this fascinating book, learn why Faris believes that Democrats should increase the number of Supreme Court justices on the court, why Puerto Rico and Washington D.C. need to become states, and why California should split into at least six different states. It's time for Democrats to fight dirty. This book tells them how.
And this is one of many reasons why the United States DESERVES a Donald Trump presidency.
The Framers, with a combination of diabolique and ingenuity, made it almost impossible to amend. Other countries, when faced with serious political, social, or economic problems, are generally able to adapt their constitutions to suit changing times. In America, we are still arguing over the meaning of sentences drafted over candlelight by slaveholders nearly one hundred years before Darwin posited the theory of evolution.
Why small states get two senators, regardless of their miniscule populations.